Chapter 18

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The fight (part 3)

To everyone's relief, the villain finally stopped talking when a fist crashed into his face and made him fly a few meters away.

Katsuki had to say that, even if it was itching him to hit that dude with his very own fists, it felt great to see him finally eat the floor. Izuku, hovering from above, had the face red out of rage and green lightning escaping from his eyes. This time, he was really out of it.

The boy with curly hair landed swiftly and squatted for a few seconds, loading for the next attack, and with a dust cloud he disappeared again and surrounded the villain by jumping on every surfaces of the bluish dome at unhuman speed, « The Gran Torino way ! ». Green lightnings like laserbeams after him, his moves were unpredictable for the magnet-man who was trying to reach him with rubbles. And too focused on the freckled boy, he didn't see the trail of explosions that was coming from above directly aimed at him, a mischevious smile and crimson eyes flashing through the dust.  Even tough the man miraculousely avoided it by sacrifying part of his coat, he was directly met head ahead with a mean elbow in his mask, belonging to a boy with green eyes and a menacing aura. « The kacchan way ! » katsuki proudly thought instead of Izuku, his smirk growing bigger. The man stumbled a few steps backward, under shock and pain, and threateningly started to raise his hand. Midoriya was ready to receive the attack, but before the villain could do anything an explosive punch came crashing down on his head. Katsuki thought that this one must have knocked him out good but before he could check, two (amazing) legs were already stretched in the villain's stomach with green sparkles, Izuku's eyes still beaming with fury. Or what he thought was the villain's stomach, even though his feet were saying that they were colliding against something flatter and harder than that.

 Surprised, Izuku lowered his eyes only to be met with a bright flash before a violent electrical discharge ran through his body. The young man fell heavily on the ground with limbs loose and ticky eyelids, convulsing impulsely. Black settled around him for an indescriptable moment and he felt his numb body getting lifted once again by his belt, depriving him of oxygen. The man was about to throw him away, Izuku hearing all of his mentors trying to wake him up without being able to make a single move. Magnet-Man, enjoying the situation and so sure of himself, didn't pay attention to the heavy threat that hung over his head, named katsuki Bakugou and ready to implode. He shot him two explosions in the back without mercy, sending the villain on the floor, right where he belonged. « You play dirty, I play dirtier you fucking bitch! ...Put him. the fuck. down. » katsuki growled, and he melted the tazer machine next to the man. Izuku, in the dust once more, was trying to come to his senses, his eyes focusing with difficulty on his environment and his clothes still smoking a bit. Meanwhile and in a quarter of a second the villain expulsed himself from the floor with a strong impulse thanks to his quirk, got in the air and turned Katsuki upside down by the metal nails of his shoes in the blink of an eye. Shit! He got fucking good reflexes !  Fortunately Katsuki too, and he balanced himself thanks to a trail of explosions, making a fucking flip and getting his head back up in the air. The man attracted him toward the ground by his belt again, causing him to let out a grunt as he felt his broken ribs scream with pain, but instead of struggling in the other direction he hurled himself with blasts toward the villain, the attraction combined making him go at great speed. Sadly, the man blocked right on time the amazing jaw-kick he was about to pull and would have punched him straight in the face if a freckled boy on the floor didn't take the initiative to tackle magnet-man down. The man, never short of surprise once again played his joker and immediatly bounced back to the sky. Figuring that the angry blonde would probably aim where he would land, he launched Izuku (who was still -poor boy- laying on the ground a second ago) on the other teenager, colliding together. Bakugou did his best to catch him and fell on his back with a bundle of swearing, the pain radiating through his whole thoracic cavity. Izuku, finally more conscious than before, tried to get off of the other boy clumsily. His arms weakened from the previous attack, he was trembling too much to support himself fully and was mumbling « sorry » and « i'm okay » and « are you okay ? » all at the same time, until a sight made him change priority.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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