Chapter 12

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The next day, Katsuki had to face the obvious conversation with Kirishima, from the very first break. This one took him aside with a smile, separating him from their crew. Katsuki knew more or less what it would be about, but waited for what hair-for-brain was going to say just in case and followed him with a sigh, grunting. The red-haired boy finally faced Katsuki once he was sure no one was around and began to whisper with a grin.

- « sooo how it's going with Izuku ? » Katsuki sighed and rolled his eyes, annoyed. god that guy really lacked subtetly ! but well, he wasn't really the one to talk... maybe that's why they were friends after all...

-  "Are you gonna ask me that everydays?!" He grumbled. Kirishima didn't answer, waiting smugly for his answer. "...Not too bad I guess... » he prefered to say that things were going well rather than bad, because the redhead would probably try to help him, making the situation ackward. « ... I mean that stupid shit don't get any hints I throw at him but I've always known he was stupid, so I guess I'll try to make myself fucking clearer » Kirishima's smile got bigger.

- « yeah, right... not like the fact that you recently invited him in your room was clear enough or whatever... » Kirishima said with a sly smirk. Katsuki gulped harshly.

- « wh-WHAT ?!! When-wh... you fucking saw THAT ?! » He exclaimed as he immediatly made sudden little explosions out of his hands, threatening. Kirishima didn't chicken out and said calmly with a smile.

- « Yeah, I saw that. yesterday evening, precisely » Katsuki panicked slightly but tried not to show it, unsuccessfully

- « yeah you saw that so what you're spying on me now ?! Just cause once I don't tell you something you get fucking paranoid and what if I tell you that nothing happened, hah ? Just because one time someone enters my room doesn't mean anything you little shit we just worked on something extra important about All Might that's all and why would you really believe something happened ? That dummy can come in my room without anything happening between us right and...» Katsuki began to mumble aggressively, reminding somehow a person with curly green hair, but Kirishima kept looking at him with a smile, not buying any of the things he was saying. Katsuki's face became redder and redder as he spoke, facing the sceptical smirking boy.

- « ...GODDAMMIT JUST FUCK OFF YOU RED ASSHOLE ! » Katsuki turned around and started to stomp away and sulk until kirishima grabbed him by the shoulder.

- « Bro! ...Come on, if it was for work you'd have never accepted to do it in your room... You only agreed for your closest friends to come in after a YEAR of school and you hate Izuku... » Katsuki glared at him « ... Well, you were supposed to hate Izuku. C'mon, you can tell me if something really happened. I'm mean I'm involved now » added Kirishima with a soft smile and puppy eyes. Katsuki looked at him, silent, and decided that after all he deserved to know, and that this stupid redhead was actually really truthworthy. He began to talk, slowly like anytime he was trying to talk about his feelings, how things really went and began at the party. The more the story progressed, the more Kirishima's face lit up. At the end, he couldn't help but squealed with his two hands on his face like a young teenager reading a cheap romance novel. Katsuki's face was bright red from embarrassement. He was definitely not cut out for that kind of stuff.

- « OH MY GOD KATSUBRO THAT'S SO COOL ! I'm so happy for you guys ! and how he kissed you, that's so romantic ! » Katsuki punched him on the top of his head, sick of his squeaking


- « AOUTCH ! yeah well okay... That's not really relevant but yeah »

Kirishima asked a lot of question, overexcited about all this and Bakugou tried to answer at somes. He also explained how they wanted their relation to stay secret for now, even if Katsuki didn't really care about the other's opinion, but Kirishima promised as usual not to say anything.

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