Chapter 17

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The Fight (part 2)

The two teenager's face turned from totally red to ice white in sync within the same second and jumped away from eachothers. "...of COURSE he would come now" both thought.

The man, from his floating board, looked happier than ever supposely from the proof he witnessed, and emitted a sound that Izuku assumed once again as a laugh after all; a freezing and hysterical laughter that was resonating within the depth of their thoracic cavities. How cliche... and yet, terrifying! thought the green haired-boy.

The more they knew about this man the more they simply wanted to punch him. Now highly irritated,  they didn't wait anymore to dash into action and without one more word, the two hero students bounced out of the devastated room with a powerful leap, aiming for the flying gray-haired man. Katsuki fired a flurry of explosions hit his metal board, but the villain jumped out of it before he'd get touched to bounce on another moving rubble. He was about to get back on the floor almost safely, until Izuku threw a few of his blackwhips from behind, trying to break his guard. The man didn't lose time to answer back with a wave of small pieces of sheet metal, countering each of his whips. From the other side, Katsuki landed and was preparing silently a big ass explosion, his right arm stretched out in front of him. However, at the moment he'd trigger the shot, his watch was suddenly attracted to the ground, his hand forced to lean down swiftly. Fuck. The explosion blew up at his feet, swallowing the boy in the fire. With a heartbump Izuku looked toward it with worry. But it's not like katsuki Bakugou wasn't used to his own blasts through the years, and after a few seconds an angry blonde gremlin, skin slightly burned and feeling humiliated, jumped through the smoke screen with explosions, his red eyes glowing with fury. Taking advantage of this diversion the greenhead inhaled, bright green lightning lit up around him as he vigorousely cracked the ground with the power of his right foot, and with the other, kicked a bunch of rubbles to send them directly to the villain's face "The Uravity way!". But the man not so surpisingly whacked them back with a metal steel beam, projecting the rocks all around him like small meteors, one scraping Izuku's arm. He would have probably hoped to hit both teenagers, yet Katsuki was already 2 meters above his head ready for the next explosive assault, letting him no time to breathe. That was their priority: if the guy was able to control their metal items so easily, then they must let him no time to react and strike first.

However, when things seemed to go not too bad and they thought they had the upper hand, or at least that's only what they thought, the man proved them wrong big time. Without a crack the ground beneath their feet raised abruptely and sent them fly like a giant spring, putting a stop to whatever action they were planning to do, and instead put them in a rather precarious situation in the air. Both boys almost immediatly tried to gesticulate their way desperatly in any direction whatsoever, but it was too late: now that they were out of his way, it was only easy to take them as targets - and before even I can finish my sentence, two big part of rubbles gravitating smashed them violently to make them hit the see-through dome. Even in his foggy state of consciousness, Katsuki could precisely tell the number of ribs that he heard creaking.

Fortunately both teenagers had great reflex and this time, they didn't collid the wall as hard as they were supposed to, already prepared for the impact and softening it as much as they could. But the stranger too far from their aim, they let themself slide along the bluish protection shield to accord themselves a short break and to recover their senses instead of battling right away. Izuku couldn't help but glanced quickly in Kacchan's direction, who groaned louder than normal at the shock, and was now also very pale. The greenhead looked back at the villain with at the same time the urge to get back to this fight and end it quickly and the envy to let katsuki rest more. But the stress and adrenaline was flowing abundantly through his veins since a while now and stopping the fight furthermore would probably cause him to hyperventilate. He took a look at his right arm that was bleeding more that he thought and banded it with the means at hand, still thinking at full speed. 

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