Chapter 10

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Suddenly, someone shouted in the bathroom.

- « IZUKUUU ARE YOU THEEERE ? » that was Ochako, still drunk. « Shiiit I was supposed to take care of him, I hope he is okay.... » Mina came in the bathroom as well, staggering.

- « yeah... don't worry, I'm sure he's fine... »

Izuku and Katsuki, interrupted in their embrace, stayed still and silent. They could only pray they were not going to check the toilet cab and both felt their heart racing at the thought, thightening their grip to eachother. They heard some clumsy steps and once the door slammed, they let go of a sigh they were holding. Katsuki looked at Izuku with a smirk. He calmly stood up and got closer to the little window that was above the toilet, Izuku looking at him curiously. He opened it and turned around to look at Izuku, still sitting on the floor.

- « ...shall we ? » asked Katsuki with a grin as he showed the window, bowing like a true gentleman. Izuku laughed and grabbed the hand Katsuki was holding to him.

- « ...certainly, my dear ! » and he jumped toward the window, still wobbling a little but, with Katsuki's help, got through it and waited on the outside, floating at 3 metres high thanks to one of his quirk. Katsuki went out too, and Izuku caught him in the air with his blackwhip, not wanting Katsuki to use his explosions because of the noise. Katsuki, surprised at first, let him put him down, but once on the floor grabbed one of the dark lasso and pulled it to make Izuku get closer. « You're such a fucking show-off... » Katsuki growled, facing a blushing but smiling Izuku. They both got down and began to walk toward their dorm. They were blushing, chuckling and giggling like idiots, which was really chocking from Kacchan. Izuku couldn't help but be surprised everytimes Katsuki laughed. He realised the odds of their situation and felt so lucky the way things had turned out. He held Katsuki's hand, intertwining their fingers. The blonde let him do it, slightly red on the cheeks. Izuku, emotionnal, laid his head on Katsuki's shoulder and let his face rest there a second. He was so warm. Katsuki put his hand on his head, stroking ackwardely his green hair. The scene seemed also unreal to him.

- « hey... what's going on you crybaby ? » Katsuki said unexpectedly softly. The words seemed stucks in Izuku's throat.

- « ...n-nothing... It's just... I can't believe it's really happening... I mean, me and you, you and me. We've known eachothers for so long and yet... nothing happened until now... I finally feel a bit...lucky?... » His voice was trembling and he made big efforts not to cry. Katsuki, speechless for a moment, looked at him. He too found it hard to believe. He gently kissed his forehead.

- « You mistaked, moron. I AM the lucky one here. ...Now get off you're gonna ruin my sweater! » Izuku chuckled and got off his shoulder as he said to continue walking. On their way to the dorms they talked, chuckled and kissed. They were careful not to cross path with anyone, they wanted to be discreet. And they finally arrived to their building. Katsuki was dragging Izuku, leading him to his room confident as always, even if this time he wasn't really. Izuku was smiling at the thought. As they just had to turn the corner, the clumsy teen fell on his butt, once again because of his shoelace, making both of them giggling uncontrolably. Yes, even Katsuki. Suddenly, a door opened in the hall, and the spiky haired boy quickly pushed Izuku behind the wall, still on the floor, so that he cannot be seen. Shouji appeared, sleepy.

- « ...Bakugou ? ...What are you doing here ?»

- « huuh I... I just left the party... I wanted to sleep... » He said slowly, trying to focus on what he had to say instead on the sitting boy with freckles who was struggling to stop laughing behind the corner. Katsuki hoped he wasn't too red himself.

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