Chapter 4

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...« I thought... you would come to like me... at least like a friend... » Izuku thought.

Kirishima looked at him. Something was off, he could smell that. He decided to follow Katsuki to know more about his viewpoint. He knew he could be an ass sometimes...ok, maybe most of the time... not to say all the time, all right ! but he often had a reason. He went in the hall, apologised to the teacher who was coming for the next lesson and ran after Katsuki.

- « Katsubro ! »

Katsuki was leaning against a wall, sitting on the floor.

- « Whaddayawant, shittyhair ? »

- « What happened ? » Kirishima sat on the floor, next to Katsuki.

- « I blew up his fucking face, that's what happened... »

- « You know, everybody will think of you as a bully again, up there. That wasn't very nice. »

- « ...Maybe that's what I want...»

Kiri turned his head to Katsuki « ...Why would you want that ? »

- « ... »

Kirishima suspected something about Katsuki. He has noticed for a while now, how Katsuki looked sometimes at Izuku. How he was sometimes glancing at him in class without him knowing it. Or how he could slighty smile when Izuku was talking... Because of theses, he understood how complicated was their relation, and how confusing it must be to Katsuki, who is not good with words, so let's not even talk about how he would handle his feelings. Now, Kirishima just had to stop the blonde from hurting himself (and why not the other green boy too) and try to lead him to the happy gay path that he deserve. Of course, he knew Katsuki would never speak about it in the first place, and would deny anything if someone dared to talk about some filthy "feelings" that he'd have. But at this point, he had to try.

- « You know, I think you got a chance with Izuku. »

Katsuki flushed, not expecting that. He jumped to his feet.

- « WHAT ??!! WHAT MADE YOU THINK...WHAT...I DON'T...I-I... !!

He began to stutter, to sweat and panicked. In a flash he suddenly grabbed Kirishima's collar and shoved against the wall the boy who hardened just on time before the impact.

- « I swear to god shitface I warn you... »

- « ok, ok... ! Geez calm down bro, you're scary... It's not that big of a deal »


Kirishima sighed and looked at him in the eyes.

- « I just wanted to check you were ok, bro... that's all... »

Katsuki let go of his shirt and fell back against the wall.

- « tch...yeah, yeah... I'm a bit sick, I don't want to talk about it » He buried his head between his crossed arms.

- " ...I just hope you're not going to act like the bad guy again, dude... I don't think this is a good solution for anyone, and certainly not for you..." He waited a bit before he added. "... And, you know, I meant what I said. I really think you have a chance. »

- « ...GET LOST ! » said Katsuki aggressively. Kirishima couldn't see his face, but he noticed that his ears were now bright red. He came back in class, informing the teacher that Bakugou was probably sick and had to come back to his dorm.

After this episode came the weekend, and Izuku was hoping, not really really but a bit, coming back in school on Monday, that things would came back to normal and maybe Kacchan would talk to him again. Of course, it didn't happen. Katsuki didn't answer to his salutation this morning, shattering his slim hope, and Izuku depressely focused on the class, mumbling that « of course, there wasn't a chance of improvement with such a stubborn person like this », that he « could as well warn him from a fire he wouldn't answer just by pride », that « no, of course not, because MR Kacchan is too good to answer to the worm he was (Ironically)» and that he « was waiting the day he could shove his ego in his throat » and mumbled some more things but no-one really understood. He kept mumbling as he wrote angrily in his booklet.

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