Chapter 11

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It was 9h43 in the morning.

The atmosphere was quiet and still. A soft ray of sunshine seeped in the calm room, landing on green fluffy hair. The curly head began to move, and Izuku woke up, confused. He tried to come to his senses, not recognizing his room. Sleepy, he yawned, looking around as his gaze eventually fell on the blond boy next to him. Izuku frozen. Suddenly, the whole last evening came back to him, the images from the party coming together like a little film in his head. He blushed deeply as he stared at Katsuki, who was peacefully snoozing since the other boy was basically having a heart attack on the other side of the bed. He smiled nervousely and sweated, his heart violently throbbing in his chest. « Oh my god » his whole face became red like a tomato and he had to take a whole minute to breathe normally again. He then tried to get off bed without disturbing the sleepyhead, whose face was buried deep in his pillow.

Once out of the sheets, he looked at his phone. He got so many new messages ! A lot from Ochako from last night actually. The messages were almost unreadable and he reminded himself how drunk she was with a smirk. He also remembered how he escaped her attention and thought it was kinda mean and she was right to worry. He must send her something to reassure her. He looked at the time. « SHIT ! Already 9:45 ?! I told my mom I would meet her today at ten!» He thought. He grabbed his shirt and quickly put on his red shoes, hopping around to the exit. He was going to open the door, hoping that no one would see him and already thinking about the excuses he would give, but stopped himself when he heard a voice behind him. « HEY ! » He gulped and slowly turned around, his back against the still closed door. Katsuki was standing on his bed, not totally awake, his eyebrows frowned as usual. He got up and walked slowly torward Izuku, who truly thought he was going to beat the shit out of him. Katsuki eventually stopped himself, two inches separating their faces. Izuku blushed. Katsuki looked deep in his green eyes. Time seemed to stand still, until he finally said with his low voice.

- « ...Are you leaving before I was supposed to wake up, nerd ? » Although his usual furious and threatening expression, Katsuki's voice seemed slightly worried. Izuku stared at him, his green eyes widened, jawdropped. It was so obvious for him that he really didn't want to run away from him ! He didn't even know where he was supposed to begin. Was he supposed to clear their relation up, like, right now ? Or justify himself ? He didn't know what to say. And shit he was already late ! He rubbed the back of his head, sweating, and began to mumble ackwardely, making Katsuki feeling more and more tense.

- « ...well yeahhh but no I mean it's not what i-it looks like, I-I was just I just realised it was already ten soon and well you know how it goes sometimes it... » Izuku flinched at the intense glare he was given as he realised he was clearly making it worse, and decided that, since he was meant to die at that moment, he should at least give a try at what seemed to work. Without any warning he looked at Katsuki in the eyes and kissed him on the lips. Bakugou, caught off guard, just stood there for a second. Izuku pulled away, and quickly talked, facing the stunned blond boy.

- « Kacchan I-I have to meet up with my mom at ten, that's all... I just didn't want to wake you up. Sorry... I didn't mean to make it ackward. We... will see eachother on Monday, kay ? » He squeezed Katsuki's hand and they both blushed. Katsuki eventually came back to his senses, still looking at Izuku and raised his finger.

- « One : you should fucking stop with the sudden kisses Deku. One day I'll really blow up your fucking pretty face by reflex and kill you. » Izuku raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to remind him that he was the first one who started, but Katsuki kept talking, this time with a grin and a redness on the cheeks.

- « two: I forgot you weren't the fucking type to run away... » Izuku smiled warmly. Katsuki, embarrassed, turned around and went to his closet. He came back to Deku with a scarf and put it harshly around his neck, Izuku didn't know why. Seeing the clueless expression of that fucking nerd, Katsuki exclaimed.

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