chapter 16

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The Fight (part 1)

Monday, morning.

Students were waiting as usual to go to class until the bell made it's usual screeching sound, piercing the ears of a curly green-haired boy. Once again, Izuku didn't sleep at all, and had big dark circle under his eyes (which had tripled in size). In class, people were looking at him with a look that he couldn't quite interpret but with enough emphasis for Izuku to guess bitterly that they knew, even though everyone was avoiding the subject and didn't talk about his state. Well, he didn't know what they knew precisely, but if they didn't know anything they would have probably asked. Instead, he just got some compassionate looks and cheer up smiles, which in itself was not such a bad option for the moment, if you think about it. Which is complicated when there's only one person on your mind and that you can't stop thinking about. He wasn't really in the mood for being asked about why he had this dying face and what happened with katsuki, and he didn't care about them knowing anymore anyway. They could know whatever they wanted, it was over. There is nothing left to know. He looked distractely at the spiky haired boy sitting on the front desk and felt his heart squeeze painfully. They have been avoiding looking at eachothers since the beginning of the day, but out of the corner of his green eyes Izuku saw that Katsuki looked like a sleepless mess as well. Kirishima, who was a bit upset but didn't hold a grudge on Izuku told him during a break that apparently Katsuki went out last night to break stuffs and yell outside. At least that's how the redhead found him when he wanted to check on the blonde. ...Bakugou too, seemed to have had a long night. Nevertheless he still showed up to class. After all, Katsuki would never miss school and certainly not for a personnal reason. Like Izuku, he is determined to finish his studies with the best score. God he is so... but Izuku forbid himself to even think the end of that sentence and sighed deeply, slumping over his desk. Ugh no I should stop thinking like this, it's over. O.V.E.R. He buried sheepishly his head between his arms to hide his face... The feeling that he was only good to screw every love relationships up had started to grow in his mind; why was everything always so complicated? What was wrong with him?! Everytimes he tries his best for his partner, it's actually wrong... Katsuki reproached him that for his sake Izuku didn't really see what the blonde wanted but what would be "better" for him, which seemed fair, because Izuku knew he tended to do that... But he prefered to do that rather than exposing the other to danger or whatever shit because he's deeply convinced that no one should be exposed to what danger or pressure they would be under if he let them get too close to him. He KNOW it'd be worse to see them leave him when they realise that it's impossible to be a healthy couple with him rather than seeing them leave him because he doesn't let them too close. Right? ...Does it even make sense at this point? Maybe he should just stop hoping for a romance and sink into work... That was the only thing he was good at anyway...

At least, things got better with Uraraka last saterday night, he could speak from the heart and it really took a weight off his shoulders... It was nice, their discussion felt easy and safe, and he explained everything to her, how Katsuki and him chaotically flirted and how the two last weeks were the best he had known for a while, until, ironically, the date they did together. She didn't say any reproach and listened to him until the end, reassuring Izuku even more. They ended up watching a stupid movie until they fell asleep together in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, she had to leave the next day and Izuku stayed alone with his thoughts all Sunday listening to sad music, depressing and watching stupid cat videos. Well, no need to say that he didn't really sleep well. But at least, in all this sad story he was glad Ochako and him could talk again about everything like they used to, when they were simply best friends. That would be helpful in these stupid rough times.

The class finally ended and Izuku sighed deeply. Only 4 hours 28 left... He gathered his things to go to eat, Ochako catching up with him a sweet smile on her lips. Iida and Shoto joining them as well to walk toward the cafetaria, chatting together joyfully. « Midoriya, I think today they serve your favorite dessert, isn't it nice ? Well, of course you should be careful to always respect a various and balanced alimentation but if you insist I may give you my part » Despite this nice attempt from Iida to cheer up his friend, he only got as an answer Izuku half-listening, nodding to him sheepishly, the dark cloud around his head too thick for him to care about anything anymore, not even about chocolate mousse. Only one solution : sleep.

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