Chapter 6

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After that school day which was definitely too long for katsuki's nerve, he left quickly the classroom and ran to his dorm, smashed his door and fell head first on his bed. He began to sulk, his face buried in the pillow. After a while, Katsuki breathed out and turned around, facing the ceiling, trying to think the more calmly he could. But it was impossible. Did Deku fucking try to KISS him ? Does it mean he LIKED him ? Even after everything he DID ? And did he respond by exploding his fucking face against a GOD DAMN WALL ?

« Oh my god I'm too fucking stupid for this world » he thought. He whined. Too many differents emotions went through his heart, and he couldn't focus on what he was supposed to do. After a while trying to calm the fuck down, he stood up raging and burst into Kirishima's room, no longer able to keep what happened from him anymore.

- « KIRISHIMA ! I'm in deep shit, you gotta help me !!»

Kirishima was sitting on his bed, trying to solve some math exercices and choked on his tea because of the brutal irruption.

- « what ?! *cough cough* what's happening now ?! *cough * what's going on ??!

- « I SCREWED UP ! »


Katsuki took at least 5 minute looking at the floor before he could open his mouth, making Kirishima sigh and rolling his eyes. He finally, slowly explained what happened between him and izuku.

- « waitwaitwait... ! So, you're telling me that... you have been denying him for almost 2 weeks without any justification because you were afraid of your feelings.." Katsuki opened the mouth to comment something but kirishima kept talking.  " blew up his face and one week later you kissed him all of a sudden. then you left and said « I hate you » and the next day, he tried to kiss you anyway and you exploded his face, AGAIN ?! But what are you, INSANE ?!!

- « I PANICKED !! » yelled Katsuki


- « DON'T ASSUME I'M STUPID AND FUCKING HELP ME ! » Katsuki stood up, menacing. But instead he put his hands on his head, sighed and dropped himself on the floor.

- « look... I already know how stupid I am and how I deeply screwed up. I just... I just realised there was maybe... a fucking chance » He looked away, terribly embarrassed and blushing hard. Kirishima looked at him. « oh my, he must have had a crush on Izuku for a long time for getting to that discussion with me... It's the first time I see him talking about how he feels.» Kirishima bowed himself and sat on the floor, facing Katsuki.

- « okay bro, I'll be honest, I don't think the situation is brilliant... Izuku must be so confused right now. But I think we can do something... You'll just have to be genuinely nice to him and try to explain everything. And... maybe you'll have to tell him how you feel. » Katsuki gave him a scary glare. «I mean, dude, come on! it's not like you got a better explanation...» quickly answered Eijirou, shrugging. Katsuki groaned and rolled his eyes. Kirishima smiled at him

- « and, in some way... He did kiss you back ! So there is a chance, right ? » His smile got even bigger and, this time, katsuki smirked back, his cheeks lightly pink.

- « ...yeah... maybe... »

Katsuki eventually calmed down. He was still stressed out and he could still feel his stomach does whatever it pleased, but he was kind of relieved.

- « ...I think Midoriya is probably a bit masochist... This is the only way... » mumbled Kirishima.

Katsuki glared at him with a killer look, eyebrows raised high. 

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