Chapter 14

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The date (part 2)

They walked a bit, but izuku stopped in the middle of the street.

- « oh wait ! I have something else for you ! » Katsuki raised his eyebrow and waited patiently for Izuku who was looking for it. He seemed edgy, rummaging through his bag with trembling hands.

- « I-I'm not good with that kind of things, I don't know if you want it now or maybe in another more romantic place ? Maybe I should have given it to you when we were at the restaurant... » he started to mutter nervousely, rambling about how he should have bought flower like normal people do but was afraid that Kacchan was not a flower person and then he wondered what kind of flowers he liked but didn't dare to ask and so on until Katsuki interrupted him, putting an end to his mental suffering.

- « get the fucking present out and stop muttering, Deku » Katsuki rolled his eyes, getting nervous as well as he looked on the side. He really hoped it wasn't something important or big or expensive or fucking whatever because he shamely didn't have anything to offer in return. He finally turned back his head, and his gaze landed on a small spiky cactus Izuku was holding. A deep blush was creeping onto his face, spreading even to his ears. He was smiling shily, his right hand rubbing through his messy hairs.

- « ...yeah I know it's stupid haha...I hope you are not too disappointed...'s just that I don't know, it kinda reminded me of you because of your spiky hair... and I noticed that you had a dead plant in your room, so you can change it... And cactus don't need lot of water actually, they are really resistant so you can be sure it won't die easily ! ...Ya know, it's a bit like you, spiky and rough on the outside, watering on the inside... No not that you're watering I meant tender, yes tender sounds more right ! A-anyway... I hope you like it... » Katsuki was looking in silence at that blattering nerd who was making his heard pound in his chest so fucking fast, and couldn't get his eyes off him and his weird but touching intend to say a real compliment -not that he doesn't make compliments to Katsuki, but he actually never really did it on purpose-. They stayed a moment like this, looking at eachothers. Izuku couldn't tell if he appreciated it or not and kept digging his own grave by mumbling nervousely again until Katsuki cut him off.

- « ...I want to kiss you so badly... » He whispered in a breath. Izuku gulped, surprised, his whole face immediatly turning dark red. He looked on the side and he whispered as well, his head deep in his scarf.

- « ... Me too... »

As Izuku was looking on the side, blushing, Katsuki thought it was probably the right moment to make a move and held ackwardely his hand to Izuku's face and after kinda stroking the bright red cheeks of the greenhead he ended up pinching his ear. Izuku flinched and looked at the blonde, a confused smile across his freckled face. "...what is he trying to do?..." he thought. Actually, Katsuki didn't know what he was doing and eventually tried a shy smirk, making Izuku melt once and for all, confirming him that it was just an ackward "response" to his romantic intend. Bakugo, after that action more or less failed, grabbed suddenly his boyfriend's sweaty hand and walked quickly, dragging him as he was raging like usual.

- « Come on moron we still have things to do why standing there like fucking idiots! » Izuku followed him, his heart rate pulsing like crazy since he hoped the next activity would be to kiss in a discreet place.

But as they were walking, they heard a voice behind them.

- « huhum! ...excuse me ! ...Izuku Midoriya ? Hero Deku ?! » Izuku immediatly got off Katsuki's hand and shoved him quickly, as they turned around to see a young lady with a bun. She looked at them with a big, shiny and perfect smile.

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