Chapter 3

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« ... what the... ? » thought Izuku... He didn't know what to think about it. He who normally spoke too much was now actually speechless. And a little heartbroken, too. It was a long time ago since Katsuki really insulted him. He thought they were over it by now. He deeply sighed as he watched the angry boy walking away.

« I really can't get him... » He flustered a bit and went back in thought, muttering... « He's probably upset about yesterday, but that's weird he didn't reproach me anythings. Well, I wanted to apologize but he didn't let me finish. ...Yeah, he's probably mad. I'll just wait and hope we can have a talk. It's probably nothing »

He decided then to leave Kastuki alone, maybe that was what he needed. And all day, Katsuki didn't talk to Izuku and didn't even look at him. Izuku felt really bad, he didn't think it would last the whole day and he had no idea what he could had done so wrong. At the end of classes, he even dropped a little note and a « All Might » candy in Katsuki's locker. It was probably childish but he had no other ideas, and communicate with the blonde was really complicated. So maybe trying to find another way to confront the blonde would work? He felt like a little girl desperatly in love, and pinched his ear of embarrassment. He was also curious about Kacchan's reaction, though. However, he left the school and went on his way back to the dorm, hoping it'll be over the next day.

Katsuki was full of it. He didn't like the interraction with Deku this morning. Without having seen it, he could imagine his surprised disappointed face. No, he didn't like it. And he didn't like the fact that he didn't like it. Oh noo he definitly didn't like it. He softened. Not that he wanted to be mean to Deku again, he didn't want to be like the prick he was. But hehh things were easier...And now he got trapped into something he absolutely had to get out of. Luckily he'd just avoid him for a week and his feelings would just fade away...  He cursed and growled a bit, opening his locker. The only thing he wanted now was going back to his dorm, going back to his bed and just sleep and just forgetting about Deku and everything. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed Izuku's note. He read it, letting a smirk growing on his face.

« Hey Kacchan, I'm sorry for letting you guys down yesterday. And for the blood on your clothes. I know I still need to train and I hope you'll help me getting better. After all, we're kinda rivals. I hope you're not mad at me anymore and that we could discuss about it.

Izuku »

Katsuki bit his lips not to laugh. It was the most childish thing he has ever seen. He looked closer. The handwriting was messy and trembling and he even found a candy next to the message. That was it, he violently burst out laughing, making everyone around gulp. He took a moment to catch his breath and wiped some tears out of his eyes, and finally had to admit it was fucking cute. Imagining the potential future n°1 hero Deku, All Might's protege, known in the school as a mastermind for his super complicated rescue plans, panicking because he doesn't know how to act with Angry Katsuki was really cute. He blushed lightly, smirking at the thought of Izuku writing a letter for him... His heartbeat rate began to increase as he thought about this nerd and his face heaten up. His heart was squeezing softly, creating little stupid butterfly in his stomach. And then he realised.

« Shiiiiit. »

He sighed as he rubbed frantically his face, trying to make the slight feeling disappear as if it was a chocolate spot on the corner of his mouth. « ...FUCK... ..It's going to be fucking more complicated than I thought. » After staring at the floor for too long, he suddenly hit his head against the locker as he violently insulted all the mothers in the world, ignoring the people around that were looking at him with concern and shock.

The next day, Katsuki didn't talk to Izuku nor look at him, still without any explanation. Nor did he the next day. Nor the day after that. Izuku tried to keep asking him if it was about the day he passed out, but it was like talking to a wall. He quickly understood that there will be no answers for him, and sadly decided to let it go. Since then, Katsuki didn't talk to him. Sometimes he just grumbled something in answer, like « yes » or « no ». The more often it was « fuck off » or « shut up ». Even when they fought to train, Katsuki looked at him as little as possible and didn't talk much. He missed many of their pair-training session, much to All Might's regret. It was so unfair to Izuku, who just didn't understand. He thought everything went well between them. Why all of a sudden Kacchan was acting like this ?

After a week, when Katsuki was once again walking away while a break after that Izuku tried to get a conversation with him, Izuku cracked. He stood up, ran through the class and grabbed the blonde's shoulder. Bakugou gasped, surprised to feel his touch on his shoulder and began to flush as he realised it.

« Kacchan but wait plea- » But the teenager threw an explosion to his face before he could finish his sentence.

« FUCK OFF !! JUST FUCK OFF ALREADY YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT !» He yelled. Everyone turned to them and looked at them. Izuku was half on the floor, a bit knocked out, his hands before his face as a protective reflex and Katsuki was standing over him, bright red and heavy breathing. The whole class looked at them, stunned. When Katsuki realised what he has done, he finally let his gaze down on Izuku and only found in his eyes shock. He then looked at the class and saw incomprehension and disappointment. He stepped back, and left the classroom. He was the bad guy, once again.

After he left, everybody in the class came up to Midoriya and helped him to get back on his feet.

« Oh my god izuku are you ok ?? What happened ? Are you all right ? » said Ochako, Tenya, Momo and Shoto.

« Looks like he finally went crazy » Said Tsuyu

« Yeah we should have known it would happen one day. Especially with Midoriya. » said Denki

« Tss and I was thinking he became more friendly over times... Do you think we will meet Katsuki-the-scum again ? » wondered Mina, frowning.

« Probably » answered Fumikage « he visibly let his dark force takes over »

While they were all discussing, Izuku didn't answer. So they were all thinking it, Kacchan was probably going to be the Kacchan of before again ? Tch, All this week he had preferred to think otherwise, that was easier. He thought all this was over. He thought the time Katsuki insulted him all the time for no reasons was over. He thought the time Kacchan was a hopeless prick to him just because of his ego was over. He squeezed his fists.

« I thought... you would come to like me... at least like a friend... » Izuku thought.

hellooo guys, so as you can maybe see this chapter is a bit shorter than the others, it's actually because I wrote too much. (it doesn't make sense but I'll explain) I had planned something precise for the end of each chapters published, but I got too caught up in this one and I wrote way too much, so I decided to cut it in two. Like that it will be 2 shorters chapters instead of a very long one, what do you think? I thought it would be better to keep some pace, but Idk

So the next one will come directly after, you don't have to wait :) yaaaay (as if someone was waiting for my chapters haha)

Anyway I hope everything is okay in your life and if not don't hesitate to beat the crap out of your problem (If the problem is someone please don't hit him.) or eat chocolate, watch something you like (serie/film) and listen to a good playlist with some tea. It'll pass, you'll see :)))

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