Chapter 7

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The party (part 1)

short parenthesis: In my country, we can officialy drink alcohol at 16, and there's no real problem if you drink younger. I think in america the law is really sharp on this, and people can sometimes get arrested for that wtf (or idk, that's what I saw in american's films haha) anyway I don't know how is it in Japan and i'm not sure in any other country but I decided they will drink alcohol and that's a normal thing, it's not like woah omg it's against the law or something like that. It's just a party. But the half of the class is already 18 anyway, just a reminder

Izuku was leaning against a wall. To be honest, he looked like a mess: he had big dark circles, one of his « party » shirt on a long sleeves shirt on and his hair was even messier than usual. There was a lot of music and a lot of people around him. It was 9 Pm, more and more crowd keep pouring in. He looked at the  cup of coca-vodka in his right hand sheepishly. It was not like he was really used to a lot of alcohol but everyone was drinking it, and why not try it sometimes. The teachers surprisingly aggreed to this as long as they didn't break anything and they would come back in class monday normally, without hungover. They were already lucky enough that they could do a party in the B-class's dorm, so it was actually really surprising they could drink alcohol. We could feel it was the last year of UA for these students. The teachers were way nicer than in first year. And well, a lot happened to this class so Izuku supposed it was probably some kind of a reward or something. Of course, he supposed it mumbling for 5 min when he arrived.

He was with his friends, Iida, Ochako and Todoroki, blattering and laughing about school and other anecdotes. Ochako was bubbling with energy and excitement, laughing even more than usual, recalling Izuku that she was already at her third coca-vodka's cup. Even if he was having fun, Izuku had trouble to get into the mood and didn't talk much, prefering to listen to the other's stories. He was still sad about Katsuki. He sighed as he thought about it again and couldn't help but look at his direction. Katsuki was sitting on a chair, a black sweater on, next to Mina and Denki discussing. Like usual, he didn't seem to talk much either. But he suddenly glanced at Izuku, making their gaze meet and they both instantanely looked the other way, deeply red.

Izuku, surprised, began to breath faster, and tried to ignore the thoughts that were now invasing his mind. « Why was he looking at me ? Is it because he is angry or he finds me disgusting ? But he didn't seem like he was grossed out... Maybe it was just a coincidence... Yeah that must be it... »

He tried to focus back on the discussion with his friends, but Katsuki was looking at him again, making him flinch. «What-what is he doing, why does he do that ? I thought he would just ignore me... He didn't look at me and avoided me for weeks and now I find him looking at me twice ! hhh I'm sure he's disgusted by what I did. Maybe he is homophobic ? God why did I do that... Will he call me fag or something like that ? But he did kiss me first ! Maybe he explained to all his crew what happened ?? god I'm so stupid I should have never done that ! »

Izuku began to sweat and bit his nails out of nervousness. His breathing became faster. He knew he was going to make a panick attack and needed to breathe some fresh air. He politely pretented he had to go to the bathroom and hurried outside. Once in the courtyard, he deeply breathed in, the cold air from the night going into his lungs. After some big breaths, Izuku finally calmed down, and looked at the sky. He could see the stars from were he was. He stayed there a moment, sitting on the floor watching the dark sky, until someone opened and closed the door behind him. Izuku gasped when he curiousely turned his head to see who it was and quickly turned it back. It was Katsuki, of course. The green-haired boy looked at the ground, embarrassed, and waited for Kacchan to say something like a sword of Damocles over his head. But the blonde kept standing up, still. A few minutes passed by, letting Izuku imagining all kind of scenario about what could be the worse to happen, in near perfect silence. He was almost trembling.

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