Chapter 9

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The party (part 3)

A/N: the song which appears in some scene is "sun" from "Two Door Cinemaclub". If you want you can listen to it as you're reading the dancing part. hope you enjoy :)

Katsuki's ears became red and he could hear Kirishima smack his own forehead, reacting to what he just said. He grabbed Izuku's hands, and the song started.

Izuku was so lost. He didn't know how he was supposed to act anymore. What was on Katsuki's mind for god's sake? He felt stupid to worry about how he was dressed and how he looked like, now. He was hoping his hands weren't trembling too much. And oh my god Kacchan was so close ! Izuku's face was blushing hard and sweating. Katsuki wasn't actually in better condition, and both were avoiding eachother's glance, stiffs and swaying too slowly.

Ocean blue

What have I done to you?

Katsuki quickly looked at Izuku.

Cut so deep

Yet growing through and through

Izuku peeked quickly at Katsuki. He could feel that his hands were really sweaty now, smelling like nitroglicerin.

But we fell like rain

Got lost into the sea

He blushed more as he could see that Kacchan was really red as well, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

And I wonder, will you wait for me ?

Katsuki looked again at Izuku and this time he didn't try to escape his glance. Izuku smiled, Katsuki smirked. The tension slowly subsided. They began to feel comfortable with eachothers, letting their movements became more fluid and larger.


I'm far away

I know I'll stay, I know I'll stay

right there with you

Katsuki smiled provockingly at Izuku and tried to make him turn around, holding his hand up. The teenager got the message and turned on himself. He laughed merrilly, making Katsuki laugh as well. Their hearts were bouncing in their chests and on their faces was the same clinging smile they had when they were fighting together.

- « woah dudes, you got some flow ! Katsuki wtf you're dancing ? haha I'm sure you lost a dare ! anyway, you guys are in better terms, I guess ? » said suddenly Mina in the arms of Ochako, dancing.

- « Mind your fucking business, you stupid bubbelgum face ! » Yelled Katsuki.

- « hah ! charming as always ! » she quipped, and went back to dance.

« ...yeah, right ? » whispered Izuku, looking at the blond boy whose hand he was holding, still a bit drunk. Fortunately for him, none heard what he just said and they kept dancing.

And though

It might be too late

What would you say ? What would you say ?

What would you do ?

Izuku and Katsuki had the head full of music and the heart full of feelings. They couldn't stop dancing, sometimes putting a hand on a shoulder or intertwining fingers. But never more, neither of the two forgot that more would be suspicious, and they didn't want that, even if it already was a bit. But they were in the corner of the room, so not a lot of people could see them, and almost everyone was half-drunk, so it shouldn't be a problem. In the mean time, some people already changed partners and Jirou was now dancing with Momo, Denki with Shinsou (who looked terribly embarrassed), and Yuga and Mina were almost making gymnastics moves, jumping around like professionals. And Katsuki, after listening the lyrics, grumbled and stared at Kirishima. « ...that sentimental bastard... he had it all planned... ». The red-haired boy replied by another thumb up. Meanwhile, Izuku smirked, wanting his attention back and let go of one of his hands and tried to make Katsuki turn around like he did earlier.

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