Chapter 13

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The date (part 1)

Izuku woke up in a oblivious good mood around nine, like we tapped a smile on his face. His date with Kacchan was at 11 -who made it pretty clear by sending the lovely message « meet me at 11 at the mall. Don't be late. »- so he had plenty of time to prepare himself. the message looked more like a threatening and suspicious message from the mafia or something, but it would actually be WAY more suspicious if Kacchan d'have written something romantic and cheesy. Anyway, Izuku got up and prepared himself, not forgetting his precious booklet and the little surprise he made. He came out of his room while humming a song, excited, and passed by Tsuyu who was slowly walking in the hall. He greeted her cheerfully as he walked past her.

- « hello Izuku ! You seem really happy this morning, are you seeing Bakugou today? »

- « hehe yea-» Izuku flinched and frozen, standing still in the middle of the hall for a second in silence, processing what she said for what seemed like an eternity in his head. « wwa-what did she just say??! » A cold feeling came over his body, spreading along his spine like an climbing snake. He turned around and dashed to the frog-girl, grabbed her shoulders and bowed himself to face her. Her eyes were big, as usual, but she didn't seem surprised, just kinda amused by the situation. He looked deep in her black pupils, a sweatdrop on the cheek.

- « whwaitwaitwait Tsuyu, what-why would I be happy to see kacchan ?! » She raised her eyebrows, poked her cheek with her finger, and said like it was an evidence, a genuine smile on.

- « Well, ribbit, maybe because you guys seem in a relation ? » Izuku flustered, his mind going blank. He let go of her after a second and decided to go for trying to convince her.

- « wh-hat ?! noooo Kacchan and I aren't, we aren't... I mean no, how would it possibly... I mean, c'mon... It's kacchan and ME we're talking about » Tsuyu giggled softly.

- « I think you are cute together. » Izuku looked at her, speechless, and ended up sighing deeply.

- « hhhh... how did you know ? » He whispered in defeat, red in the cheeks.

- « Well, I'll say that I can see how you two look at eachother, now. But don't worry about it, I think I'm the only one who figured it out. And Kirishima maybe. » he grabbed her shoulders once again

- « ...Did you tell anyone ? or talked about it with anyone ? »

- « No. I had big suspicions but actually you really confirmed it by your reaction. I wouldn't spread something that I'm not sure is true. » Izuku bit his lip. « But we talked about it sometimes with Ochako. She wondered if there was something between you two and didn't really like it because of Katsuki's behaviour obviously. But I thought it was probably his way to deal with his feelings.» Izuku looked at her incredulous, not finding the words. « God that girl... is freaking too smart » he thought. He held her big hands ackwardely.

- « Tsuyu... can I ask you to keep it a secret ? Even to Ochako ? Kacchan and I are happy together and I don't want to worry him, and her. For now, I don't see the necessity to tell the others... I don't know how they would react, you understand? » he said with begging eyes. She looked at him bluntly.

- « Of course, It's not my business anyway. I just always say what I think, I wanted to be sure.» Izuku made a relieved smile, and she kept going. « But I'm glad you told me. » She smiled at him genuinely with her cute froggyface. He grinned back, but Tsuyu looked on the side like she wanted to add something, and finally spoke again, with what seemed more difficulties.

- "But Izuku... please don't let this relation get violent, or I don't know... overwhelming, okay ? Don't let it go too much on your nerves. I don't mean to impose my opinion but if you want my advice... it'll probably be... intense, and if you screw up I have a feeling that you could be the one on who everything falls... I mean, hardly 3 years ago Bakugo used to bully you." Izuku flinched, once again testing her violent frankness. "...I'm a bit...worried, ribbit" she shrugged, embarrassed and not used to talk badly about someone in his back. Izuku opened his mouth to say something, but no sounds got out. « ...But I guess I don't know Katsuki how you know him, after all. I'm probably getting worried over nothing... » Izuku's heart slowed down at her words, short of breath. She got off his grip and began to calmly walk away. She turned around to say a last thing, plunging Izuku deeper into his thoughts.

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