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The scene shows Levi training Oswald. Of the past week, the Captain kept true to his word and when he wasn't busy dealing with Eren, he was helping Oswald get better by teaching him techniques that his former mentor taught him. Petra at first tried to tell Levi to go easy, but he told that babying him wouldn't help him grow, so he practically ordered her to not intervene.

After some time, the two stopped, and Oswald was panting.

Levi: alright, kid. That's enough for today.

Oswald: (drinks full canteen of water) how'd I do?

Levi: not bad. You're a fast learner, that's for sure. But, you've got a long ways to go before you can even try ODM gear.

Oswald: will I be able to do that?

Levi: when I say so. For now, we're working on your control and combat. You possess a good amount of strength, but you're lacking control over it. You're picking up the basics good, but you'll learn more later. (Beat) let's head back to base. You're joining Petra and Hange to see the recruits join in and I'll be with Eren and the rest of the squad.

Oswald: okay. (To his horse) let's go, Agro!

Agro. A black horse that Oswald had bonded with during his time at the scouts. He's still learning some stuff on horseback, but had gotten good enough to at least ride him without too much concern. The two then ride off to the base and get ready for the event tonight.


At night, all the cadets were gathered near a stage where they would learn of which regiment they would join. Petra and Hange were at the back of stage left with Oswald wearing a cloak to hide his face, and Erwin at the front, ready to make his speech.

Erwin: good evening. I am Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corp, also known as the Scout Regiment. Today you will choose your regiment. Let's cut to the chase. The scouts need you, we need all the warm bodies we can get. After the recent Titan attack, you now know first hand the horrors of which they are capable of, as well as the limits of your own skill. However, this battle's aftermath, gave humanity a new chance at victory. I refer to Eren Yeager. After selflessly risking life and limb, he has undoubtedly proved his loyalty to our cause. Hope lives in him. Eren didn't just help deter the titan invasion, he's offered us a chance to determine the truth of their origin.

This causes a few of the cadets to gasp in shock as this was unexpected for them.

Erwin: intel suggests that Yeager's home in Shinganshina holds a vital secret regarding our enemy. We will form an expedition to find this secret. Find it, and use it to break free from the titan's tyrannical one hundred year reign once and for all!

Zen Aku: interesting.

Oswald's Thoughts: what is it?

Zen Aku: he's giving out information like that out without a second thought. Pay more attention to this man, boy. He may be bat-shit crazy sometimes, but he knows how to win a battle.

Erwin: however, before we can reach the informed cellar in Shinganshina, another problem must be dealt with. We must first retake Wall Maria. Of course, this is much easier said than done.

A map is then displayed to show where they would have to go.

Erwin: now that the gate at Trost has been rendered inaccessible, we'll be forced to stage future operations from the Calaneth District further east. Thus the battalion route we've been establishing the last four years has been rendered completely useless to us. Over the course of those four years, we've incurred losses of sixty percent. Sixty percent in over four years, that's a horrifying figure. One month from now, we will conduct a recon mission outside the walls. Recruits from among your ranks will be expected to take part. I estimate a third of them will die, after four years most will be dead. But those who endure will be the most capable soldiers alive. (Pauses and closes his eyes before opening them) now having heard this most dismal state of affairs, whoever still wishes to put their life on the, remain here. But first ask yourself—can you give your heart? Can you give everything for humanity?... That is all. Those wanting to join other regiments are dismissed.

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