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The scene begins at night time where the scouts were traveling the selected route to Wall Maria. Each of them were holding lanterns to light their way as the night sky was shrouded by clouds, making the whole area pitch black and impossible to see without light.

Levi: (to a Scout) will we get their soon? It's just about dawn.

Scout Captain: (checks his notes) well, once we get over this mountain, Shinganshina should be close by.

Oswald was holding his light while Petra was pulling Agro while Mikasa was pulling Eren's.

Eren: I'm sorry you got stuck pulling my horse.

Mikasa: don't worry about it. You should be saving your energy. (To Oswald) both of you.

Eren: yeah, I get it, but still—

Connie: she's right, Eren. We need you two at your best.

Jean: don't say either their names, dumbass.

Connie: oh. Sorry, I forgot.

Jean: act as though we're surrounded by enemies. Always

Oswald: (perks up a bit) something's to our left!

Moving their lights over, they see pure Titan. However, it doesn't move, and they resume their journey. They discovered that moonlight was just reflected sunlight, and that was the key component to make the new Titans move during the betrayal of Reiner and Bertholdt. Thanks to the cloud cover, though, they didn't have to risk testing that theory on the one they passed by.

Oswald's Thoughts: hey, Zen Aku, we're stronger at night, right?

Zen Aku: we are actually. I can't explain it, but I'm more powerful at night. Especially during a full moon. Let's hope this mission won't take that long to resort to that.

Oswald's Thoughts: yeah. Wether I like it or not, this is our one an only chance to take back that wall. We could mess up, and it'll all be for nothing.

Zen Aku: you're not getting cold feet on this, are you?

Oswald's Thoughts: I shouldn't be! I've been training for this for months, and I got all the power I need! Why am I feeling like this?!

Zen Aku: because you're still a kid?

Oswald's Thoughts: that doesn't help!

Petra then notices how Oswald looked and checked on him.

Petra: hey. (Oswald looks to her) you okay? You look like you're doubting yourself.

Oswald: I'm not. Just, thinking about this.

Petra: (places a hand on his shoulder) it's okay to be scared. Fear can help through our choices and decide which is the right call. If don't let it rule over you, then you can do anything.

Oswald: even save humanity?

Petra: even save humanity. Besides, for someone so young, you have a lot of bravery. Whenever you saw a Titan, you never had any fear. You were always ready to fight.

Eren: she's right, buddy. (Both look to him) we can pull this off. And you know what? This time next year, I bet we'll be looking out at the sea.

Mikasa suddenly stops as she looks around.

Mikasa: this place... it's familiar. (Remembers when she was younger) I think... we came here for fire wood.

Scout: I see the foot of the mountain! There are signs of a trail ahead!

Wolf Titan (Attack On Titan OC Story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now