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The scene shows the three had returned to the Tybur estate. There, Merrick gets some insight on the land he's on. Long ago, during the Great Titan War, Marley was one of the lands that stood against the reign of King Fritz. Since then, they've used Titans to win against other battles, and were responsible for sending titans to the island of Paradise.

In the house he was at, the Tyburs are not only the highest in the land, but are one of the very few Eldians that can live freely without worry of discrimination. They also were said to hold a Titan called the Warhammer Titan. Unfortunately, this one jumps around from one member to the next, so it's difficult to determine who's the current holder.

Merrick: so, what happens if this Titan turned out to be someone not of this family?

Father: we track them down, and ensure it's back where it belongs. (Beat) tell me, Merrick, what do you know of your bloodline?

Merrick: nothing really. All my old man told me was that the clan was persecuted to the brink of extinction.

Father: that's because of the King's rule. What the world doesn't know, was the King did in fact created his titans to one day destroy the world. In reality, though, he was horrified of he sins we Eldians committed, that should anyone attack them, he'd accept death. He rounded up as many Eldians as he could and sealed them in the walls. Then he supposedly altered their memories to make them believe that they are the last of the human race. Everyone listened, except for the Ackermanns. Your clan was originally the elite guard that was the only human experiment to have the skills of a Titan, and was immune to the king's powers. He didn't like that, so he had you all hunted.

Merrick: tch! Guess that explains why I was told to keep my name hidden.

Father: indeed. There's only a few left in the world now. (Beat) so, now that you know everything, what do you plan to do now?

Merrick: not sure. One thing I know for sure, is I've gone through so much trouble to get my freedom. I'm not going back to that island.

It went back and forth for a while, but eventually, it was decided that Merrick would remain here with the Tyburs. Years passed, and he got to know the family more and more. Aside from the parents, there were four other children who had importance to the family.

Willy was to be the next head of the house, and he fully supported that the Eldians should be wiped out.

Lara was considered the quite child/mother of the group. Since she's the oldest daughter, and their parents were often busy, she had to step up and take care of her younger siblings.

Basim was the trickster and wild child. Despite that he had the potential to be a member of the high council, he was well known for pulling off pranks and other dangerous stunts. He also was a firm believer in mythologies, especially the Norse.

And finally Shayla. She was the kindest out of all of them. Being the youngest, Shayla was usually the one who everyone tried to keep safe. And, tried to keep her from seeing the horrors of this cruel world. However, that didn't stop her desire to explore and see what was out there. She was also the closet with Merrick, and their relationship would soon develop more.


One day, the five saw people being taken to the ships.

Shayla: there they go.

Laura: I'm sure there just being relocated.

Basim: straight to Paradise and be turned into Titans.

Lara: (stern) Basim!

Basim: what? It's obvious that's what's happening. When was the last time you saw Eldians taken to prisons? You haven't, because they're only used to turn into Titans against the other nations. I don't get why you're always babying Shayla.

Wolf Titan (Attack On Titan OC Story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now