The letter

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First of all, thank you very much for your nice comments on my last story. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Before I start my new story, a warning: This is going to be something entirely different than anything I've ever written and read before regarding Buckingham/Nicks fanfiction!
So, I hope you're going to enjoy this, though. To show me, if or if not, it would be very helpful, if you leave some feedback in the comment section below.
That's it for now! :) Have fun!
Xoxo Lara


March 8th, 2015

When Stevie left the Thompson Bowling Area in Knoxville that night, two security guards escorted her and Karen to her hotel suite. After her assistant had closed the door behind the two of them, Stevie went into the bathroom to get rid of her make-up and changed into a creamy colored nightie and a matching silk robe.
"Stevie? Are you okay in there?", Karen yelled fom the other side of the bathroom door.
"Sure, Karen! I'm fine!", Stevie yelled back and wiped away her tears.
The past week she had spent mostly crying alone behind locked doors. She suffered from tremendous panic attacks and an incredible insomnia. But the worst part of it all was, that she wasn't even allowed to tell anybody about it. She was more miserable than ever before and seriously fearing for her life.
"Well, okay then. Is it okay for you, when I leave now?", Stevie heard Karen saying.
"No! Wait Karen!", Stevie replied quickly, wiped away the rest of her tears and went out of the bathroom and bumped directly into Karen.
"Ouch!", Karen yelled, "For God's sake, Stevie! What the hell is wrong with you lately?!"
"I'm... I'm sorry, Karen..", Stevie stuttered quietly, "Did I hurt you?"
"Yes, you - wait a minute!", Karen broke up, "Have you been crying again?!"
Karen looked at her boss worringly.
"No, no.. I'm fine.."
"Are you sure?"
"So, it's okay, if I leave now?"
"Do you have to?", it came quietly back from Stevie.
"Honestly, yes Stevie, I've spent the past eight days in your suites. Actually, I would love to sleep one night all by myself."
"Umm, oh okay.."
"Don't you wanna tell me what happened? I'm not an idiot! I know something's going on!"
"It's nothing..", Stevie replied and shirked from Karen's look.
"Okay, if you don't want to talk about it..", Karen sighed, "Then, I leave, now."
Stevie wanted anything but stay alone in this huge hotel suite and she already felt another massive panic attack coming up but there was nothing she could say to make Karen stay without telling her what had happened one week ago. She knew telling her assistant or any other person would put them into tremendous danger and that was the last thing she wanted to happen. So she swallowed back her tears, nodded lightly and said Karen it was okay for her to leave.
When Stevie went into her bedroom and was just about to crawl underneath the bedsheets, she found an envelope on her pillow. Curiously, she took it in her hands and found no addressee. Karen hadn't left yet and so she called after her: "Karen? Did you put that envelope on my pillow?!"
"Which envelope", came it back from the living-area.
Karen came into the bedroom and saw the envelope in Stevie's hands.
"Oh, that envelope! No, I didn't put it in here but I saw it when you were in the bathroom. Maybe one of the maids did. It wasn't here yet when we left five hours ago.", Karen explained firmly, grabbed her bag and walked to the door.
"Goodnight, Stevie! I see you tomorrow! I'll be here at noon."
"Bye Karen..", Stevie mumbled back and heard the door closing behind her.
Nervously, Stevie turned the envelope in her hands. What was that?!
Eventually, she opened it up with shaky hands and unfolded the letter that had stuck in there.
When her eyes captured the letters that had been cut out from magazine articles and she read the very first two lines, she let the letter instantly fall down onto the bed. Her whole body tensed up and she started to hyperventilate, more hot waves of panic flooding her, her heart pounding like crazy in her chest.
And all of a sudden the haunting memory of what had happened one week ago was back on her mind. All day long she had tried to push it away but it was impossible. And there was only one single person in the world who could truly understand what kind of fear she was feeling right now. She felt as if she was about to choke as she grabbed the telephone on her nightstand and dialed his number.
"I got a message.", she gasped.
"You have to come. Now!"
That was all she was able to say before the next panic attack overwhelmed her. She was caught in the middle of her worst nightmare!

It took him not even a minute to reach her suite. Hers was only three doors away from his one.
With shaky hands he opened her door with the key she had given him, only in case she needed him. What the event from one week ago had done to her self-confidence let Lindsey's stomach turning around. He could barely recognize her anymore. She had turned from the strong, energetic, funny woman he used to know to a completely insecure wreck. By the sound of her voice through the phone, he sensed that something really horrible must have happened and the thought itself freaked him out.
He found her in the bedroom, sitting on her bed with no expression on her face, her breathing restless, fast and loud, her arms wrapped around her legs, she was staring at the wall in front of her.
Quickly, he ran to her, sat down beside her and wrapped his arms tightly around her fragile, tiny body. He felt cold sweat on her hands and forehead while he was rocking her gently back and forth and she finally leaned into him.
"Stevie, what happened?", he asked with a soft voice over and over again.
Eventually, after what felt like hours to him, she pointed at the letter that was lying at her feet. Curiously, he picked it up and started to read.


He read the lines five times in total and with every single time he felt his throat constricting more and more. He lifted up his head and looked at her.
"Stevie, we...", he broke up when he saw her bursting into tears.
"I'm here..", he whispered in attempt to soothe her, even though he was free falling himself, "I protect you.. I'm here.. No one's going to hurt you.."
He rocked her again back and forth and she held onto him for dear life, shaking in his arms like a little child.


So, what do you think?! Shall I go on?

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