The night that changed everything, Part III

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Lindsey had no idea how but somehow he managed to regain his composure, climbed out of the car to find the taxidriver pulseless on the street, he then started the motor and drove away as fast as possible.

Stevie was still shaking like crazy when they pulled into the driveway of a police station ten minutes later. He got out of the car and was already halfway up the lane when he turned around and saw Stevie still sitting in the car.


She didn't react. He went back, opened her car door and looked at her. She was in an emotional state of shock. She didn't speak, she didn't react to his voice, nothing. Carefully, he pulled her out of the car and carried her into the police station. She was unable to walk by herself, she was too weak in her knees. She clung to him for dear life, her nails dug painfully through his jacket into his skin but he didn't say a word.

"Hello. Can I help you?", asked a police officer when they entered the building.

"Hello.. Yes! I saw.. We..", Lindsey started stuttering.

"Okay, calm down. Let's get in here first.", the officer said politely and opened a door to his left.

They entered one of the offices and Lindsey sat down on a chair, with Stevie still in his arms, unable to move one single inch by herself. He stroked her back and held her tight while he finally started to explain what had happened.


The officer listened to Lindsey's story in all its particulars, alarmed several colleagues and left Lindsey and Stevie alone in his office to set further actions in movement.

Several hours later, Stevie still completely dumb, lying in Lindsey's arms, listening to his soothing words, him rubbing her back and holding her, though his whole body was aching by now, the officer returned into the room.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Buckingham and Ms. Nicks, that you had to wait for so long and we couldn't let you leave already, after all you had to go through this night. But we needed to keep you here for some more time, in case we needed more information regarding tonight's events. Thanks to your testimony, Mr. Buckingham, we were able to find out what happened very quickly. Of course, I can't give you an insight of the official criminal investigations, but considering the fact that you two are the only witnesses of the crime, I can tell you that the affected people are all part of the drug scene in the state of Texas."

Lindsey nodded slightly in response.

"Ms. Nicks, I'm sorry and I really understand that you are shocked but I can't let you go without your testimony."

"Is that really neccessary?", Lindsey asked protectively and tightened his grip around Stevie, "I don't think she's capable of doing that right now.."

"I'm sorry but we can't make an exception."

"Stevie..", Lindsey mumbled softly into Stevie's ear, "Angel, listen. You have to tell the officer what happened. You hear me? We won't get out of here, if you don't.."

After five minutes of back rubbing and a great deal of coaxing, Lindsey was finally able to get Stevie back into the presence and she started speaking again. Lindsey had never heard Stevie's voice in such a fragile state. It was shaky, raspy, husky and unbelievably quiet. All in all, she sounded nothing like herself.

"Do you think you could identify the perpetrator, Ms. Nicks?"

She looked up at the officer and then nodded eagerly. She had never been good with names but she knew that she would never be able to forget the face of the man that had just killed two people in front of her.

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