Moving on

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"Lindsey, I'm going to get my driver license back.", Stevie said non-chalantly while they were standing in the kitchen, her preparing dinner, Lindsey setting the table, the girls were on their way back home from school.

"Umm.. What?!"

"I said I'm going to get my driver license back!", she said again and mixed the tomato sauce.

"I heard what you said.. But why?!", Lindsey asked curiously and looked at her.

"Because I can't drive Stella or Leelee anywhere. I can only stay in this house.. What if something happens? I cannot always call a driver and wait for a car! We live with two kids in this house. I have a huge responsibility now."

"But I can drive.."

"Lindsey, you won't always be around.. I really want to do this! I want to be more independent. I cannot always ask you to drive me and the girls..."

He looked at her and saw that she meant what she was saying.


"Okay?", she asked, surprised that it had been so easy to get his approval, considering that he knew how bad of a driver she had always been.

"If you want to do this.. Yeah, I'm fine with that.", he said and wrapped his arms around her from behind, "It's so nice to see how much you care for the girls.. I'm so proud of you."

"I'm just really glad that they accept me so very well..", she smiled and leaned back into him, "I want to be there for them.. And with their mother gone.. I'm just trying my best to fill the gap.. Even though, I know this is impossible.."

"Oh, Steph! You do really well.. The girls love you."

"But I am not their mother, Lindsey. I hear Leelee every night.."

"What do you mean?"
"Leelee.. She cries herself to sleep, Linds. Every single night. It just breaks my heart."

"I didn't know that..", he said worringly and turned Stevie around to meet her eyes.

"I know.. I didn't want to tell you.. "

"Why not? Steph, we agreed to talk about everything. This is important. No secrets, you remember?"

"I do.. It's just.. I know how much you hurt when they cry.. And I feel like you are finally getting better.. I don't wanna see you in pain again.."

"Oh, Steph..", he sighed when he saw tears forming in her eyes and pulled her into a hug, "This is so nice of you.. But I'm their dad. It's my job to care for them when they are in pain.. Leelee needed me and I wasn't there.. I wish I knew.."

"She wasn't alone.. I was there."

"You were with Lee?", Lindsey said and backed off a little to look at her.

"Of course. I didn't leave her alone crying."

Lindsey watched Stevie closely and stroked over her cheek.

"You are such a wonderful person, Steph.."

"No, I'm not..", she said and blushed slightly.

"Yes, you are.", he said and kissed her lips.

She smiled against his mouth. His lips felt so good on hers. His kisses had become rare and she missed them a lot. She had just parted her lips to welcome his warm tongue that was asking for entrance, when the doorbell disturbed their intimacy.

"The girls are home.", Stevie sighed and pulled back.

"Noooo, Steph..", he groaned and tried to get a hold on her.

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