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It was in the late evening, hours after Lindsey's confession, that Stevie approached him on the couch where he was sitting, switching through the channels.

Jess and Wayne had just gone after they had checked on them and taken their grocery list to get them the things they needed.

Stevie sat down beside Lindsey and looked at him. She was still feeling slightly uneasy in his surrounding since what had happened earlier in the day.

"Lindsey?", she said quietly.

"Mmmm?", he turned his head around and looked at her.

He also found it quite hard to cope with the current situation. He knew it had been the right decision to tell her why he had watched her standing naked in the bathroom after showering but now that she knew how he saw her, he felt incredibly vulnerable. She had shown him her exposed body but he had given her a deep view into his inside which made him feel completely exposed in front of her. She now knew, that he felt aroused in her surrounding and that it was hard for him to take his eyes and hands off her.

"Listen, Lindsey.. I don't want that what happened today stands between us.. If it is true what Jess said, then we'll be staying here for a long, long time and... Well, I want us to get along."

He saw how hard it was for her to bring the topic up.

"Me, too, Stevie.. Me, too.."

"Okay, that's good..", she smiled shyly, "Well, but I think we should set up some rules.. I know you wrote me in your note that you like to sleep next to me in my bed but... I don't think that is such a good idea.. It's not like I don't want you there, you know. I slept so well last night.. But.. You're married and.. I don't want us to do anything stupid that we're going to regret afterwards.."

He swallowed hard at her words. She wanted him in her bed but was concerned about the consequences. That was actually very sweet of her.

"I think you're right.. After what happened today, sleeping in one bed together might not be such a good idea.."

"Yeah.. That's what I thought.."



"Yeah.", he smiled at her, "Thank you for being so open about this, Stevie. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for walking in on you.. I mean it, I am so sorry.", he blushed again.

"It's okay, Lindsey. I forgive you. I'm still embarrassed that you saw me like that.. But we can't change what happened."

"And I need to tell you again, there is nothing to be embarrassed about! In fact, it's quite the opposite..", the last sentence was barely a whisper.

She went as red as a beet in response but didn't push the topic any further.

It was hard but she knew they could do it. Proper communication had always been their biggest problem and if they wanted to live in this house together without killing each other, they needed to learn how to talk to one another.


Three weeks went by, and they actually got along really well. In fact, they had a lot of fun together. No one disturbed them and so they had time to get to know each other in a completely different way. They spent most of their time doing the things they usually had no time for, like going outside for long walks, cooking, even baking, and binge-watching their favorite series. Stevie had started to draw again and Lindsey joined her in the living-area by playing silently his guitar.

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