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After they had had dinner, both of them relaxed a little. It was then, that they realized how hungry they had been. They hadn't eaten anything in hours.

"I'm so full!", Lindsey exclaimed happily and stretched his arms out above his head, "The food was delicious by the way, Stevie!"

"Thank you. I'm glad you liked it..", she blushed lightly. It was nice to get a compliment from him.

"I haven't cooked in a long time.. Usually, I eat out or have someone preparing something for me."

"I can tell you, it was wonderful.", he smiled at her. 

"I think it's time we give them a call!", Lindsey said suddenly with a chuckle, looking at his watch.


"You know.. Our babysitters.", he grinned and rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh", she laughed, "Yeah, right. But you need to do that! Like I said I've got no clue how this walkie talkie stuff works.."

"I'll show you. You need to know that anyway.", Lindsey grabbed his gadget and turned it on, "Look! You push this button, then you get into the menu, channel 7, and now you keep pushing this button and talk."

"Oh Gosh! How am I supposed to remember that?!", Stevie sighed.

"C'mon, Stevie! This is easy!", he chuckled and did it again, "Now, it's your turn! Try it!"

She rolled her eyes at him and did it, as well.

"Good! See? It's easy, isn't it?", he smiled.

"Yeah.. Actually, it is.", she admitted sheepishly.

He pinched playfully the tip of her nose and shook laughingly his head.

"I think I'll be going to bed, now.. Is that okay for you? I'm really tired.."

"Oh..", she was slightly disappointed, "Umm, sure.. Okay. Goodnight then.."

"Goodnight, Stevie.", he stood up, walked around the table and kissed her cheek, "Will you follow, soon? You really need some rest..", he mumbled in her ear, ending his sentence with placing another peck there.

"Mmmm..", she closed her eyes for a moment, trying hard to ignore the tingling sensation his lips and his rough voice were causing her, and then nodded in agreement.


Another fifteen minutes later, she heard him upstairs getting out of the bath and closing the door of his bedroom, she got up as well and stepped up the stairs, turning off the lights behind her. Slightly confused, she tried to orientate and find her bedroom. She entered it and found herself in a beautiful, quite country-style bedroom. Just like the rest of the house it was mostly made out of wooden. She saw a white pajama lying on the bed and started undressing, slipping right into the white fabric. It was at least two sizes too big for her. She watched herself in the mirror across the room. She looked like a little girl in her mother's clothes. She sighed and then suddenly started to laugh! Her whole life was so fucked up, right now! She rolled up the sleeves and pant legs and climbed into the huge bed. Removing her make-up was not neccessary, she hadn't put anything on and she had none of her creams with her, not even a toothbrush.
As she lay there, she felt as if everything in this house was too big for her. The clothes, the bed, the distance to her home, the distance to Lindsey... This whole situation in general.
As usual, she couldn't fall asleep. Her body longed for rest but her brain just didn't stop thinking. After two sleepless hours that she mostly spent turning in bed, she got up again and went downstairs into the kitchen, making herself a cup of tea. She took the cup with her to the couch in the living-room and wrapped herself in a blanket.
The hot tea did her good and she leaned against the backrest, closing her eyes, trying hard to relax. How was this whole thing going to work for her? What was she going to do for the next coming weeks? She just couldn't only spend her time sitting in this house, writing and playing the piano, going for walks and playing the housewife for Lindsey! That was not her! She always needed to do something! Working had always distracted her from thinking too much and that was exactly what she needed right now! Something, ANYTHING, that exhausted her that much, that she could finally fall to sleep.

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