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Back in the present, March 8th, 2015

"Lindsey, what shall we do, now?", she whined hysterically, "Shall we call the pol-"

"Shh!", he hushed her by placing his hand on her mouth.

She looked at him with big eyes when he whispered into her ear: "The room could be bugged!"

The thought that someone could have been in her suite and ransacked all her private things disgusted her. She had never in her whole life felt so unprotected and insecure.
He stood up, took her by her hand and pulled her after him out of the suite, down the corridor, outside on a balcony, where he grabbed his phone and called the police officer in Texas.
The officer referred them, accompanied by personal security, to a police station in the city they were currently staying, which was conversant with their criminal case.


Thirty minutes later, Stevie and Lindsey entered the office of another police man who seemed to be very concerned about their current situtation. He looked at the blackmailing letter, read it and passed it to some colleagues.

"At first, I'm very glad that you came here immediately and not tried to keep the letter to yourselves. I have to make some calls. I'll be back!"

Lindsey looked at Stevie who sat in a chair next to him looking like a picture of misery. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. When she turned her head and looked at him he gave her an encouraging smile.

"It's going to be okay..", he said, but he didn't even believe his own words himself as he saw tears forming in her eyes again and her chin started to tremble.

"No, Stevie.. No, please don't cry..", he said softly, his thumb stroking her knuckles in order to soothe her.

"Lindsey.. What is happening here? What if..."

"Nobody's going to harm you.", he assured her and took her in his arms again.

Another twenty minutes passed by, which they spent in silence alone in the office, him holding her hand, as suddenly the door opened again.

"Mr. Buckingham, Ms. Nicks, I'm sorry you had to wait for so long", he said and sat down on the chair in front of them, "I just called the competent police authority in Texas to get further instructions. At first, we're going to take your fingerprints to match them with the ones on the letter. I doubt that the writer didn't use gloves but we have to make sure, though."

Stevie and Lindsey nodded in agreement and did as they were told.

"Thank you very much. And now, to the more unpleasant point.. I'm very sorry to tell you but considering the fact that somebody was able to burgle into your suite, even though it was guarded by security, we have to make you part of the witness protection program. Both of you are the only eyewitnesses in one of the most important criminal cases regarding the illegal drug trade in the United States. Without your help it will be impossible to bring the case to court. That's why we have to make sure that you are safe."

"What does that mean?", Stevie asked slightly confused.

"That means that we have to take both of you to secret places apart from your current life conditions where you are safe and protected."

"How long is that going to take?!"

"We don't know yet. But you're going to stay there as long as it takes us to arrest the perpetrator."

"But that could take years!", Stevie shrieked.

"What about my family?", Lindsey asked worringly.

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