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August 22nd, 2016

Today is my 68th birthday. Lindsey and I are still living in our sweet little timber cottage - it's our home. The place where we make love and live together.

Sometimes, I can't believe how things have changed for us. I feel like the life I lived before coming here, was some kind of a dream, it seems ages ago that I walked up on stage and performed. You might think I'm missing it - but the truth is I wouldn't trade what I'm having right now for anything on earth.

I'm happy. Happier than ever before. With him.

Never ever would I have thought that one person could be enough, can give you all that you truly need - but Lindsey does that. He gives it all to me. And I'm doing my best to give it back to him.

I hope we'll never go back to LA. I pray to God they'll never find the murderer who is responsible for us being here. He did something cruel, something horrible, but I thank him on my knees for giving me this life - and I know how wrong that is!

But Lindsey and I would have never found back to each other any other way. And living here with him is so easy. No one is trying to break us apart. And none of us comes up with reasons why we don't work. Because we finally see how perfectly we work.

As much as I loved my career, my fans, my friends, my family, and as much as I miss them sometimes - it's worth it.

Because I'm happy. I'm so so happy.

And I love him. Gosh, I love him so much! I want to scream it from the top of any mountain out there: I'm in love with Lindsey Adams Buckingham.

Stevie sat alone in her condo in Santa Monica, flipping through the pages of her diary and reading what she had written not even three months ago. She couldn't stop crying. Oh, how things had changed. For her. For him. For the both of them.

After one and a half years in the witness protection program, Jess had come to their little timber cottage, finding Stevie and Lindsey as usual cuddling in bed together, telling them happily that the police had finally been able to arrest the murderer of the two men in Austin and that it was safe for Lindsey and Stevie to go back to their lives in LA. 

That had meant the end of their happy love affair far away from reality.

Stevie could still very well remember how her stomach had turned over by Jess' words and she had gotten up to run to the bathroom and vomit.

Lindsey had helped her up from the bathroom floor, had taken her into his arms, had promised her over and over again that nothing was going to change for them, that he loved her and that he would make things right as soon as he would come home. And Stevie had listened to his words, trying hard to believe him, even prayed to God that his words were true.

She remembered their last night together at their timber cottage. How they had made love for hours. How desperate and needy it had been. She remembered how they had clung to each other for dear life during the night, none of them being able to fall asleep, promising each other again and again that they were going to make it.

She remembered how they had sat on the plane, hand in hand, in complete silence. None of them saying one single word. Both of them too afraid of what was going to happen when they stepped out of the plane. She remembered how he had kissed her for the very last time back on the plane before he had run into his children's arms. Remembered, how hard his kiss had been, and yet so full of love.

She remembered how they had entered the airport, encircled by security and paparazzis, so many people who had wanted to know where they had been for the past 17 months. She remembered the screaming, the questions, the brief "no comment"- answers, and finally the feeling of Lindsey letting go of her hand and running happily into his family's arms, kissing and hugging all of them with tears in his eyes, his children and his wife crying and sobbing, as well.

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