An unexpected surprise

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When Lindsey woke up the next morning, he found Stevie to be fast asleep next to him. He lay on his back and she had cuddled up tightly to his right side, her head resting on his chest and her right hand under his pajama top on the bare skin of his stomach.

He couldn't help but feel aroused, knowing that she had touched him during the night. Her breathing was peaceful, her chest rising and falling evenly, and he turned his head a little, so he could see her face.

She looked beautiful, especially without all the make-up she was ususally wearing when he saw her. This was how he had always loved her the most because it reminded him of how simple things had used to be when they had been two stupid teenagers in LA back in the day.

He felt the sudden urge to touch her – she looked so attractive to him – but he pulled himself together and remembered that he had a wife and three children at home who were most likely worried sick about him, right now.

He knew if he stayed here another minute, he wouldn't be able to fight the urge any longer, so he moved carefully out of the bed, doing his best to not wake Stevie up who was sleeping properly for the very first time in more than a week.

Quietly, he walked to the windows and took a look outside. The forest, which surrounded the house, looked absolutely beautifully. It was still cold outside due to the season but the sun shone lightly through the old trees and covered the whole beech forest into a sparkling, mysterious light.

Again, he thought the desperate urge to wake up Stevie. He was sure, she would have loved to see this view. It was magical!

He walked out of her bedroom and into his own to get dressed, then went downstairs to drink a cup of coffee before leaving the house for a walk outside. When he was just about to walk out of the door, he remembered Stevie still sleeping upstairs. If she woke up and he was gone, she'd be worried. He didn't want that, so he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote her a brief message, quietly returned to her bedroom and left it on his empty side of the bed.

He watched her sleeping for another two minutes – it was hard to remove his eyes from that beautiful scene – and then left the house, stepping outside in the sparkling sunlight to explore his new home.


Slowly, she woke up, her hand instantly reaching out for his warm body next to her, but instead finding his side of the bed to be empty and cold.

Hey eyes flashed open in a second – he was gone.

Then, she saw his note lying on his pillow. She took it and read:

Goodmorning sleepyhead!

I hope you slept well – I definitely did!

I'm out for a walk but I'll be back soon!


PS: I was right! You did miss me – you slept like a log for more than ten hours. Maybe I should sleep next to you more often...

She read his note ten times in total and then suddenly went into a heavy fit of giggles.

Maybe I should sleep next to you more often... So he did sleep well with her in bed and even better he wanted to do so oftener. She couldn't even remember the last time he had written her a letter or anything comparable to that. This was in some way so romantic.. And with that, suddenly the memories of their conversation from the night before were back on her mind. He had said that he was still attracted to her.. Even now, that she was 66, he had called her beautiful, even hot.

It wasn't the fact that nobody had called her beautiful before – no, a lot of people had done that during the years, but hearing it from Lindsey, especially after all this time, was more than flattering – it was special!

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