Chapter 5- Man Made Beach

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After dinner, you wanted to do something special, since it was your first night back at the summer house. You always thought that you would be here every summer with Carol, Abby, Elaine, and Alicia, but things change, life shifts and there is nothing you can do to stop it, so you don't try.

You remember that you loved to visit the man made beach only a few blocks away. You loved that small fake beach. It wasn't real and the lake wasn't even that big to run around, but it was the best place other than the pond to be at. It was where you were the most happy. It was where you had your best summer memory, or memory in general. Nothing topped it.

So you walked down the steamy sidewalks till you felt the sand on your feet. A glorious feeling that would never stale.


Age 8

Carol and Abby wanted to go to the beach that day and Elaine wasn't in the mood to go. You wanted to tag along, but you knew neither of them wanted you to join them, but you were a persistent child and fought Alicia hard to force them to take you.

It wasn't worth it by the time you got there because Abby made sure that she left you out of everything, the conversation, the games, the fun. Abby was paying you back for being such a brat which was understandable. You were annoying, even to yourself.

You were playing in the sand, at the brim of the water where the small waves would just come up to your toes and sink back down into the lake. It was calming and nice, but you still wished you were having as much fun as Carol and Abby.

Then Abby and Carol were play fighting in the water. They were further out than you and the water was too deep for you to even try and be with them. Abby made sure of that. They were laughing and splashing water at each other.

Then Abby said something, you couldn't hear what it was over the light crashes of waves, but it overstepped a line with Carol because Carol's face was no longer smiling. Carol then hit Abby hard with a bunch of water, making Abby take in a mouthful of salt water. Abby started to cough some out and was being dramatic about it.

Whatever happened, Abby wasn't in the mood to play anymore and came out of the water.

"I'm going back to the house. Come or not, I don't care." Abby said as she passed you on the way out.

Carol was still out in the water, so you stayed. You watched her float to you on the sand with the motion of the water moving her. She was smiling even though a second ago Abby had upset her.

"Hey Y/N." She said laying down in the sand next to you. Her body soaking up the sun rays.

"Hey Carol. Are you okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Carol replied as a matter- of-factly which made you feel sort of stupid for not knowing that already.

"Well Abby looked pretty mad." You let your answer linger a bit before continuing. "And you didn't look that happy out there."

"You didn't look that happy right here." She spoke without moving her head to look at you.

Carol noticed you. She saw that you weren't having a good time by yourself. It made you blush uncontrollably. You just hoped the sun covered up the redness of your face well enough so Carol wouldn't notice.

"I didn't feel like being with Abby anyways. I always hang out with her. It's more exciting to spice life up a bit." She said winking at you.

You smiled silly. That was the day you knew you were falling in love with her. Carol saw you alone and made Abby mad so she would leave. It was all according to her own plan up in her head. She knew what she was doing, every step of the way. Carol was unlike anyone you ever knew or would come to know.

You and Carol ended up staying on the beach until sunset. Both enjoying each other's company. It was also the day you saw a glimpse into Carol's mind, how it worked and functioned. It was amazing in every way possible to you.

Every once in a while, you would say something that made Carol laugh which was enough validation by itself, but she would brush her hand on you playfully. Either on your shoulder or slap your knee for saying something you shouldn't have. It was all so innocent and it made you feel so special.


You sat down in the sand and let the wind whip over your face and mess up your hair a bit. You didn't tell anyone you were leaving, but everyone knew by now. It was your ritual to come down here on the first night, or at night mostly because you could be all alone with the water.

You liked to swim either at the beach or in the pond at night when everyone was asleep. It was a special secret for you, but Elaine revealed that everyone knew that you swam at night. It was disappointing that they all knew, but they never disrupted you when you were swimming so it wasn't that bad.

Alicia would stop by the pond sometimes and sit on the edge just to relax while you swam. You thought it was sweet and respectful that she didn't try to talk to you or swim with you. It was your thing and she knew that. She kept it your thing, even after you found out that it wasn't really secretive anymore.

You watched someone come sit beside you on the beach. Possibly Alicia because the person didn't say anything to you. They just sat with you. You didn't bother to turn your head to look at them. This was your spot, if they wanted to say something, they should be the one to initiate the conversation, not you.

"I thought you might be here." It was Abby. "There's going to be a get-together tomorrow night at one of the neighbors' houses. Do you want to come?"

"Who's all going to be there?"

"You mean 'is Carol going'?" Her tone was the same as a joke, but she knew it was a serious inquiry. "Ya, she's going to stop by."

Abby paused and you saw her look at you from the side of your eye. She was somewhat saddened, maybe the older age was having its toll on her.

"Do you still like her Y/N?" Her tone was completely serious now.

"No." You took in a deep inhale of sea salt air. "I'm over her."

"Really?" Abby didn't believe you. You didn't believe you.

"Yeah. I've realized that it was never a realistic thing. I'm all grown up now." You said half smiling at her.

"Maybe you have grown up. You'll always be Munchkin though. Don't ever forget that." Abby said, standing up and laughing. She walked away while you stayed in the same spot in the sand. Sitting and swaying with the wind and water.

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