Chapter 15- Beach Houses

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You hadn't even noticed that the car had stopped because you were so consumed with Carol. Her face, her blue eyes that almost looked grey at the moment, her hair that fell at just the perfect angles, and her mouth that parted ever so slightly.

"We're here." She said softly as she began to get out of the car.

You were stopped in front of a small beach house that rested on the side of the beach. You recognized this place, this was the beach house Carol's family owned. It was too small for them, so they moved on to the house that you were staying in currently. They kept ownership of it and rented it out every now and then.

You had only been over to the beach house a few times. It was normally your mom and Alicia that came to the beach house when it was vacant. They told everyone that they needed to get away from the children, to have peace and quiet, but we all knew that they just wanted to drink and smoke without having to worry about saying something that children shouldn't be aware of.

You stopped by with your mom one time, just so you could say that you stayed there. She had felt bad that you were never invited to stay with Carol, Abby, and Elaine. They had a habit of leaving you out of anything that seemed remotely interesting to you and they loved that it bothered you.

The beach house was cute and minimal, with shells decorating the tables and counters. Pictures of waves and sand castles were sprinkled along the walls to go with the lightly stained wooden dressers and drawers. It was something you thought might be on the coast, like in California, but it was here. In New York somehow.

You didn't know the location of it back then because you were too young to care, but it sat on the other side of the man made beach, far enough away that the public beach was far out of view.

The only other time you had been at the beach house was with Carol, ages ago.


Age 14

Dannie had been pestering the older girls all day. All week actually. By Friday, Carol was ready to have him thrown out of the house and left on the side of the road. You couldn't blame her, he was being especially needy with a constant yearn for attention and he had been upset that none of the girls were liking him back, so this was considered his revenge.

He was bothering them when they would be reading, trying to swim with them, talking their ears off. He would also get very close when he would speak to them which made them all mad because they needed they're personal space.

Thankfully, he wasn't being such a bother to you since he was so consumed with the others. You had to deal with him the rest of the year, so payback kind of felt nice.

During the evening, after dinner had finished up, Carol walked over to you as you were reading peacefully on the couch.

"Do you want to do something?" She asked in an annoyed tone, like it was so terrible to talk to you.

"Ya, I'm busy." You responded with an attitude.

"Like what?" She said, rolling her eyes.

"Reading." You said as you held up your book to show her.

"Shut up and come with me." She rolled her eyes again and walked off. You followed eagerly.

She led you outside to where the bikes were.

"You're such a smart ass sometimes." She said quietly as she let out a laugh and hopped on her bike.

You quickly got on yours and continued to follow Carol's lead. You hid your smile as you rode off into the sunset.

You arrived at the beach house and it was completely different from when you were with your mom. It was like something sparked this time, and you saw why everyone thought this place was so special.

The last of the sunlight was shining through the horizon and the warm salt water waves were crashing against the sand.

Carol led you to the back porch to watch the very end of the sunset. The both of you sat quietly and you stole looks at her to admire her beauty, especially in the golden light. She caught you a couple times, but didn't look bothered by it. She simply laughed or smiled purely and went back to her self proclaimed meditation.

Once it was completely dark,  she turned on a few lamps to light the floors minimally, and put some music on. She grabbed some snacks that were in the cupboards so we could snack on them before we fell asleep and we ate them in the small living room.

She sat down close beside you and looked deeply into your eyes, you could feel your heart beat faster and your face turn red. She looked into your eyes, you couldn't understand why she hadn't said anything or done anything. It was like the two of you were frozen in time, not knowing what to do or what not to do.

She was just about to say something when something must have turned and shifted in her mind and all she said was "I'm going to go to bed." And she left you alone as she disappeared into the darkness of the other small rooms.

You shortly after went to bed, in another room, but all you see when you closed your eyes was Carol. Her face the way it was looking at you, into you.

The next morning, Carol, woke you up early, before you had time to even form a complete thought, and she made you bike back to the main house with her.

She didn't say anything about the other night to you the rest of the day, or summer.


Carol unlocked the door and walked inside the small building, turning on the lamps to light the floors, just as she had done years before. She dropped the keys on the table and looked back at you sullenly with her tear ducts filling slowly but surely.

You walked up to her and hugged her the tightest you had ever hugged anyone. You held her in your arms with as much love and compassion as you could. You felt her tears flow down and touch your skin. It hurt you just as much to see her like that as it was for her to experiencing those emotions.

She slowly pulled away and gently held your cheek. "I thought I had the strength... but I don't" She said in between heavy breaths, trying to hold herself together.

"The strength for what?" You asked softly.

"To stay away from you." She whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.

~AN: I move into my college dorm really soon, omg I'm so nervous. I will be very busy soon, so please be understanding if i don't update for a while. I still love each and every one of yall, but idk how much free time ill have. Anyways, thanks for reading and having a nice day:)

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