Chapter 7- Richard

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The get-together was coming up soon. You wanted to call it a party and refer to it as a party. You thought of it as a party. You had never formally been to a party at the summer house because you had always been too young to go to one. Elaine went to many and Abby went a few times that you knew of. Carol didn't like to go to parties that much. She loved being alone, but not in a sad way. She liked to be by herself, and not having to worry about if someone was judging her. I admired her for it even though it wasn't something that heroic or out of the ordinary.

You all got back from shopping just in time for dinner. Elaine was already back from hanging out with her fiance and was cooking something in the kitchen. You ate with everyone, but didn't say much like usual. When the meal was over, you went up to your room to get ready. You wanted to look very nice and dressed up pretty. You have never seen Carol or Abby all dressed up and they hadn't seen you formally dressed because it was summer. Nothing that needed to have formal attire was occurring during that time. Everything was so casual at the summer house.

You did light makeup with the outfit that Carol had helped you pick out. You felt special wearing the shirt and skirt, not that it was a super expensive outfit, but Carol made it feel like it.

You were the last one to be ready and Abby and Carol were waiting for you by the door, Abby looked irritated for having to wait. She probably would have left if it hadn't been for Elaine debating if she was going to go then or not.

Elaine was tired, but hated being left out. You understood the feeling of wanting to be included, but you never got why she would feel that way. Elaine was always included, you were always the outcast.

Elaine decided last minute that she wasn't going to go then and Carol drove you and Abby to the neighbor's house. It was a short drive, but would have taken forever to walk.

The get-together was kind of boring to be honest. It was a bunch of young adults standing around talking about how great all of their lives were. They all wanted to announce the success of whatever they were all pursuing. You weren't that interested in hearing any of it.

At one point, a young man offered you a drink, but Carol declined it for you, even though you were old enough to drink and you actually wanted one. She spoke immediately though, before you had anytime to think and she looked completely serious about her answer too. You saw later on that she had a drink though which made you a bit angry.

Carol was talking to a man that was tall and big, bulky. He had short, dark hair. He was attractive, but he wasn't anything special to you. He wore a top hat that was black. You didn't understand why he was wearing a hat. Everyone was indoors, there wasn't a need for it.

You decided to step out on the patio to get a breath of fresh air. You also wanted to be alone, away from all of the narcissism that was huddled into one area. You rested your arms on the wood railing and watched the sun set past the trees.

"It's lovely out here, isn't it." A low voice said.

"Yes, it is." You turned to see a young man standing beside you. He rested his back onto the railing, having it hold his body weight on it.

He had short brown hair that was light colored. He had a crooked smile that you thought was cute, kind.

"I don't believe we have met before. My name is Richard." He held out his hand and grinned.

"Y/N." You replied, shaking his hand.

You and Richard talked for what only seemed like a few minutes, but was more like an hour. You didn't care what he said, it wasn't that important. You just liked him, being around him was fun. He made you laugh and giggle with stupid jokes and gestures that you would normally find annoying, but for some reason it wasn't with him.

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