Chapter 8- Harge

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The next morning you woke up with a slight headache, it was probably from overthinking when you were falling asleep. Today you thought you might go to the beach and read a book on the sand, finally letting yourself escape and feel like you were back in your childhood.

Alicia and Elaine were awake already and had planned on working on things for the wedding. You didn't see Carol and Abby, they were probably at the pond, they liked to swim in the mornings.

You heard Alicia call you from downstairs. You finished up brushing your hair and getting dressed and made your way down. You saw that Richard was at the front door.

You were in shock and surprised that he came by. How did he even know you would be here?

"Hello." He smiled just like he did last night. "Are you busy today?"

"No, not at all." You couldn't contain that there were butterflies in your stomach.

"Well, would you like to come with me? I have something special planned."

"Of course." You grinned shyly. "Alicia, I'll be back later." You called out and walked out the door.

You got into Richard's car. The car you were supposed to be in last night if not for Carol. It was nice, clean. It was nicer than yours. It was nicer than Abby's too, but not as nice as Carol's.

You could tell that Richard had money, he probably had funds from his family. That's how most money is acquired, a rarity for it to be truly earned.

He wasn't like the others that you had seen at the get together though. He did not boast about his life, or speak about it much in general. He liked to talk about worldly things, or things that were not centered around himself whether it was about your life or life in general. You admired that about him, how he chose not to talk about himself. It was a change from most people in New York.

He drove you to a nice shop and picked up something for his family, and then took you to lunch at a fancy restaurant. It wasn't super prestigious, but you would have never picked to go there yourself.

Richard was fun to be around, he liked to make jokes a lot. He was smart, you could tell by the way he talked, but he never mentioned a college degree or that he was working for one. He was lighthearted and made you laugh often which was enjoyable.

He brought you back to the house around 3 pm. The perfect time to end an adventure. It was early enough that he didn't feel the need to buy you dinner, and you had enough time to get to know each other more.

When he turned off the car, you didn't get out right away. You waited just a second to see if he wanted to say anything to you. He did because he didn't get out either.

"I had fun with you, today." He talked slowly, carefully choosing each word that he spoke.

"Yeah. I did too." You said as you looked over at him and smiled.

"Can we hang out again?" He asked like he was ready to be rejected, like he was waiting for you to say no and how you never wanted to see him again. Like he was so used to that answer from others.

But instead you said, "I would love to." And hopped out of the car. You waved goodbye and watched his car leave until it was out of sight.

Abby was sitting at the table, reading a magazine. She was all alone though.

"Where's Carol?" You asked her.

"She's with Harge." She said blandly.

"Who's Harge?"

"The guy she was talking to last night at the neighbors."

"The guy with the top hat?"

"Yeah. That one." She replied with no emotion, but I could tell that she wished she was with Carol instead, the same way you wished you were with Carol.

It wasn't long before you saw Carol being dropped off at the front of the house just like Richard had done for you. Harge didn't get out of the car and see Carol off. He simply opened the door from inside the car, probably reaching across Carol to do so. Carol wouldn't have liked that. Carol liked acts of kindness, not carelessness.

You watched her enter the house. She didn't look happy and she didn't look sad. Harge was just another activity for her day you assumed.

You were in your room when she walked upstairs. Your door was open, in case she were to see you and wanted to stop in. She did see you and only stopped a second. She was about to go to her room, but you decided to speak up.

"Do you like him?"

"Harge?" She sounded like it was a stupid question to ask. Was it? "Do you like Richard?"

"I asked you first." You said stubbornly.

"What are you? Ten. Answer the question." She was harsh. You wished you never said anything. You wanted her to just leave your room now. To be out of sight.

"I don't know yet." You looked down, making sure to avoid eye contact with her.

"Well, Harge is nice, but I don't think I like him very well." She took a deep breath and left your room, shutting her door once she was inside on her own.

Later that day, you swam in the pond to let go of your nerves and cleanse your mind. You swam on and on, focusing on each moment of your arms and legs. You let your mind stop and think only about swimming, the water. You didn't want to think about anyone, but the water you were engulfed in.

You ended up swimming straight through dinner and got something small to eat from the fridge after everyone had already finished eating.

You were sitting outside on the porch, reading a book when Abby came up beside you. She sat down in the chair next to you and began to read one of her magazines. Both of you said nothing to each other for a while, just sitting and staying in your own separate worlds, but coexisting together peacefully.

You and Abby understood each other like no one could. Both longed for a person that did not want them back. It hurt, but at least we had each other although we never said anything about it except for in the car the night before.

You shamed yourself for not realizing sooner about Abby's love for Carol. It was in plain sight. Elaine and Alicia probably were aware of it. Were they aware of your love for Carol too?

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