Chapter 16- Forbidden Love

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"I thought I had the strength... but I don't" She said in between heavy breaths, trying to hold herself together.

"The strength for what?" You asked softly.

"To stay away from you." She whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.


"Then don't" You replied with large doe-like eyes.

You kept staring at her face moving from her eyes to her mouth and then back up to meet her gaze again. All you wanted to do was comfort her and make her feel loved. You wanted her to stop crying, you wanted to fix everything. To help her in any way that you could.

So you slowly smoothed over the droplets of tears that were lingering on her face and wiped them away, to be forever gone. You watched her frozen in time, only being able to react to your motions.

You leaned towards her and in slow motion, pressed your lips against hers. You felt the curve of her mouth fall open and her whole body become encompassed in the kiss. Her hands, gripping your body, pulling you closer to her.

It was everything like you had imagined, the amazement of it all. You were finally alone with Carol, with your lips locked onto hers. Her body moving in sync with yours.

The moonlight flooding into the beach house and glowing around the both of you, like it was made for this moment. To shine and light up the floors and walls for you to see Carol's face and to know that it was real.

You could feel her soft lips move against yours, hungry for all of you. Your hands gripping the side of her face and hers on your waist. Nothing felt better than to be there, with her, there at the beach house.

All of your past annoyances at her and the times that you had cried because of her faded away and melted with her touch. Each movement of her fingers on your skin, removing the bad memories and replacing them with this one.

She led you to the bedroom and your heart began to beat faster and faster. She could probably hear how loud it was.

You laid down next to her and she held you tight in her arms. All you could do is look at her and search her eyes from the next move she was going to make, but with Carol, you never knew what was going to happen.

You were face to face with her and all she did was kiss you on the forehead and tighten her grip around you. Your face now nuzzled in the curve of her neck, holding onto her like she would slip away any second, like this time and place would disintegrate and reveal that it was all a dream.

You woke up the next morning, with sunlight pouring in through the blinds in horizontal lines, graphing out the floor and part of the bed. Carol was lying next to you, still asleep. You basked in the fact that you didn't dream all of it up, it was real. This was real.

You looked at her face and her chest that would rise and fall with each breath she took. She looked so peaceful and happier than she did last night when she had first walked into the beach house.

All of a sudden, the phone rang which startled you and woke up Carol.

Carol got up slowly and reached for the phone. She was in the kitchen now, and it was difficult to make out all that was being said.

"Y/N." Carol said, getting your attention.


"It's for you." She handed you the phone and left to go into the bathroom while you were on the phone.

"Hello?" You said cautiously.

"Is this Y/N?"

"Yes, Alicia?" You were surprised, how did she know you were there, did Carol tell her?

"Yeah, it's Alicia. I was at the house and Richard called and asked if you were there. I think he was wanting to take you out again."

"Oh..." You let your voice drift off into thought. You had forgotten about Richard with everything that was going on with Carol.

"What should I tell him? I said I would find out and call him back."

"Can you just say that I'm busy today? I'll call him later or something." You weren't sure if you were actually going to call him, but you thought Alicia would appreciate it if you added that in your sentence.

"Okay, have a good day."

"Bye Alicia"

"Oh, and Y/N, be sure to take care of Carol." And with that she hung up.

Take care of Carol? Carol was the one to take care of you most of the time, that was of course when you were younger though. What did Alicia mean by that?

Your thoughts began to twist and turn into a conclusion that was still very confusing to you.

Carol came up behind you and wrapped her hand around waist and held you as she kissed the side of your cheek gently and whispered "Good morning."

Your worries faded away and you were engulfed in Carol's touch. "Good morning." You smiled.

"I need to get some groceries today, but other than that, we can just stay around the beach house."

"Okay." You were fine with anything, as long as it was with Carol.

You also knew that she would want to stay hidden away from people because she could be herself there. In public, we would be Carol and Y/N, the childhood best friends that stayed at Alicia's summer house, but at the beach house, we could be so much more.

~AN: sorry it took such a long time to update, but im still alive everyone. I'm starting a new book, its called Wrongfully Right, and it's a studentxteacher relationship involving Cate. I'm going to release a few chapters at the same time i'm updating this story, so please go read it. It's also dark academia themed because school is starting up and fall is just around the corner. I'm so excited to write in my free time and I hope yall enjoy the story. luv yall.

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