Chapter 3- A Gold Ring

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From as long as you remembered, Carol had always been your crush whether you were willing to admit it or not. From the first days you could remember, you could never see yourself with anyone, but her.

It was kept secret of course, from everyone, even Alicia, your honorary mother. You would be shamed for loving her which enticed you even more. You didn't know if she knew about your love for her, but you still didn't tell her in case she were to be disgusted by you.

You rode a passenger to Elaine in her car. The last time you rode with Elaine, you were tiny, and angry because the girls had made you mad about something you can't even remember now, but Elaine had to take you away from them for a while and she distracted you for a while. It was a nice memory which was now fading into this one because both were bittersweet. You were having fun with Elaine, but you knew Carol wouldn't lose any sleep because of it.

The store was a dread and it wasn't worth going to honestly, but you kept Elaine company talking about irrelevant things. Elaine was comforting at times, but she was still part of the group with Abby and Carol, something you despised her for, but never told her.

"Hey don't be too harsh on Abby by the way, she's just trying to have fun." Elaine said on the car ride back to the house.

"I know. I'm always the joke though." You let out a sign and rested your head on the car door.

"You're a good sport, you know. It shows how much you've grown from when you used to run and cry about it." She smiled at you. You knew she was just complimenting you, but it felt backhanded.

"Thanks." You forced out.

Once you arrived, you went up to your room, you were overwhelmed by today. Being back was more than you had anticipated. It was a lot to handle and you needed a break, even if it only lasted a minute. You walked around your old room, it didn't change much.

This was Carol's summer house. She was rich enough to have a winter and summer house, both were large. This was your room though, no one was allowed to stay in it and no one did. It was not decorated really, only a few things here and there such as a ring that laid on the dresser. You had outgrown it by now, but it had been a gift. A gift from Carol, so it was always out on display.

It was a golden ring with a tiny swirled design on it. You loved that ring, but you were so scared that you would lose it, so you never wore it. Carol must have thought that you didn't like it, but that wasn't true at all. You loved it more than anything.


Age 12

It was late at night and you wanted to go walk around the town. It was too late to go alone, so Alicia forced Carol to go with you because Elaine was on a date and Abby wasn't in the mood.

Carol walked beside you looking into the windows and glancing around us, always checking to make sure nothing suspicious was happening. You told her how you wanted to get a piece of jewelry that made you look older and more sophisticated. Carol just rolled her eyes, only half paying attention to you.

"Why don't we go in here?" Carol said as she was already heading inside a small business.

"Okay, sure." You said, following her in the store. The store smelled old and rusty. You wouldn't have volunteered to enter, but you stayed by Carol's side anyways.

You walked around and saw that Carol was talking to an older boy that was working at the counter. He was tall and his features were prominent. She seemed so captivated by him, she never looked at you like that which made you upset.

You became jealous and decided to do something about it. "Hey, let's go." You said to Carol, grabbing her arm to nudge her to leave. She didn't budge,

"Hold on Y/N" She sounded annoyed by you.

"Alicia doesn't approve of talking to strangers. Especially people who look strange." You said looking at the clerk right in the eyes. He was caught off guard and so was Carol.

"Grow up Y/N" She said which stung hard. You left the store and walked back alone, not bothering to look back and see if she had followed you out. She hadn't though because she came back to the house about half an hour later.

She came into your room and handed you a small bag and left the second after you took it. You unwrapped the bag and saw a beautiful piece of jewelry. It was golden and had a swirl design on it. A gold ring. Something she thought would make you look older.

It did make you look more mature, but you only saw Carol talking to that man each time you picked it up. So you didn't take it with you when you left to go back to Pennsylvania, but you would never get rid of it or throw it away.


You laid down on your bed and let yourself drift away to the sounds of water rippling on the pond and birds chirping in the nearby trees. This was your summer you always loved. It wouldn't be ruined this time by stupid fights or childish bickering. You were older now and you wanted to make sure that everyone knew it. Especially Carol, whether she cared or not.

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