Chapter 10- Dannie

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Everyone was talking over each other, picking out something to watch, but you were silent.

Alicia was suggesting Casablanca while Abby and Elaine were fighting for Gone with the Wind, and Carol had left to go to the kitchen for something. Both were scheduled to be presented on the TV.

You sat down on the couch and let them squirm about the different movies. Carol came back with a glass of water and sat down beside you on the couch, but she didn't look at you or say anything.

"Is everyone okay with Gone with the Wind then?" Alicia questioned.

You and Carol both shook your heads in a yes and everyone sat down while Alicia put on the movie.

You and Carol made room for Abby to sit on the other side of the couch while Elaine and her fiance shared a large chair. Alicia took the other chair across from Elaine and everyone became quiet when the movie began.

You snuck glances at Carol throughout the movie, but each time you would look at her she would be focused on the movie and not even thinking about you.

You knew this was bound to happen, you would get your hopes up, and then nothing would become of it. All of your feelings would diminish and then something would happen again that would rekindle your love.

In the middle of the movie you snuck another look at her and she still had her eyes on the TV, but you felt her hand slide over and reach to yours. You were taken by surprise, but did not recoil. You laced your fingers with hers and you kept looking at her. She let out a grin, but kept her focus on the movie.

Abby looked over at you and Carol must have noticed because she let go of your hand. Everything was back to where you started, yet everything was slightly different now.

Carol didn't say anything to you or even try to once the movie was over. Abby didn't either. Everyone was headed to bed, but you weren't tired, so you went to the pond to swim.

You dove into the water and didn't come up for air for a while. You just let yourself sit at the bottom for a while until you couldn't stand it anymore. You swam laps and laps. By the time you came up for a break, you could feel your muscles tiring out.

"You're still doing this?" You turned to see Carol was standing at the edge of the pond. How long had she been there?

"Yeah. I still swim." You said nonchalantly. You started to lay back and float, making sure not to keep your whole focus on her.

"You haven't changed much." You couldn't tell if that was a compliment or not. It was difficult to tell the difference. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be either.

"Neither have you."

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows again, just like she did earlier. "I guess you're right, but..." Her voice faded.

"But..." You weren't going to let her off the hook that easily.

"But at least I didn't bring a friend here." She laughed. You knew she wasn't thinking of that originally, but you let it slide.

"I brought Dannie because I thought it would be nice. I didn't expect it to go as bad as it did." You smiled, it was funny now, but at the time, it was like inviting the devil to your heaven.


Age 14

Dannie was your best friend. He had always been your best friend since you were young. Dannie was funny and felt good to be around, but sometimes he would annoy you terribly.

He became so obsessed with girls and having a girlfriend, he constantly talked about his next adventure. It got so bad and you weren't even in high school yet. He had been begging to come to the summer house for years now. It was your fault though because you spoke so highly of it, constantly.

He also knew that you had a crush on Carol, but he didn't know how bad it really was, you kept that to yourself. He didn't judge you, thankfully, but he thought it would pass anyway.

You decided to give in one summer and bring him to the summer house. He immediately was taken with Carol, understandably. She however was not as interested and brushed him off as she did everyone. It made you feel good that she didn't treat him special, because he wasn't.

He was upset that she wouldn't flirt back with him because he was so used to girls swooning over him. It was understandable because he was attractive, but he had always been a best friend to you so it would be strange to date him. It never even occurred that you might want to because it was not that type of relationship you had with him.

Girls loved him though, and he loved the attention. And here was Carol, a girl he thought was cute, and she didn't like him. It served him right. You loved it just to spite him.

He moved on from Carol and started crushing on Abby, which was fun while it lasted because Abby also loved attention, from anyone. They would flirt back and forth and it would make you and Carol sick to the stomach. At least Dannie wasn't trying with Carol anymore.

One evening, everyone was off doing their own thing and you went to swim and you saw Dannie with not Carol, not Abby, but Elaine. It caught you by surprise since she was much older than both of you. They were so close together and snuggling against each other. It was disgusting. You wanted to throw up right then and there. You also wanted to punch Dannie because it weirded you out so much. You were upset with Elaine because she was supposed to know better than flirt with Dannie.

You thought Elaine hated Dannie because they always bickered and she always thought that he was immature. Yet, there they were.

They were just as shocked as you when they saw you. Dannie jumped up and started to walk to you, but you didn't want to speak with him, so you turned and left.

You could hear Dannie shouting at you and saying that he was sorry. You didn't stop to turn around though and just went up to your room. You wished Dannie had never come and Dannie was never invited again. He also didn't ask to come back again which was for the best.


Carol took out a cigarette, from a pack that had been used already, and lit it. She inhaled the flames and lifted her head as she let out the smoke.

"When did you start smoking?" You asked.

"Everyone smokes now." She said with a bland tone.

"I don't." You said proudly.

"That's because you're still young." She smiled and went back inside.

Did she still see you as a child? It hurt a bit, but you wouldn't let her keep you up at night, so you just swam some more until you knew that once your head would hit the pillow, you would be out till the morning.

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