CH 6 || The Interview

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The obscure voices of someone calling me reached my earbuds. I was annoyed. I didn't want to wake up. But the consistent articulation kept on soaring as if they had the only intention of troubling me to hell.

"Mrs. Kohli." Ignoring, I tried to pull something over myself so that the voice failed to reach me somehow, but it was me whose efforts were ineffective. My hands didn't find anything to cover myself.

Whoever the person was for certain hated my sleep otherwise wouldn't have disturbed me, I mused.

"Mrs. Kohli." It wasn't Rosa. Rosa's voice was comforting but the voices landing upon my ears weren't compassionate or soothing.

"Let me sleep," I mumbled. My voice was raspy and my throat hoarse.

"You will get hurt," It became apparent that it was a woman. I didn't want my mind to ponder over what she was saying and who exactly she was so I took no notice of it.

"How to wake her up?"

"I don't know."

Primarily there was one woman but then I heard two women talking to each other. I wanted one simple thing: to sleep, but then every single being was against my cherished slumber.

Getting annoyed than I already was, I tried to sit up. My eyes were half-closed. I could still see the outfits of the female staff. My head was throbbing and my body was aching terribly.

When I scrutinized my surroundings I found myself surrounded by a pile of broken glasses, shattered photo frames of my and Vidyut's wedding pictures and not to mention the room in which I was seemed no less than havoc. A half-filled liquor glass was there beside me, on the floor.

Putting my hands in my hair I held a bunch of them. It felt as if someone was drilling a hole in my head.

I had forgotten previously I was not in California so there was no way Rosa would be there. I saw a female staff approaching me but I scooted back, exhibiting my palm in front of her.

"I am fine." Struggling, I uttered those words. I was a mess that I could say confidently without checking myself in any mirror.

Sitting at the same place I hark back to the previous night's events.

After I was made cognizant that Vidyut left I had loosened my calm. I had walked to his bar and thrashed everything that came into my vicinity. I didn't even leave the wedding pictures of us. I had cried immensely but there was no one who could hear my painful screams. My throat was burning with all the screams and cries. In my despair, I had even half-emptied one of the bottles of whiskey that only put my sore throat on fire.

"Should we take you to your room?" I shook my head trying to get up but failed. Both of the staff came to me, trying to help me but I shoved them.

"I said, I don't need anyone's help," Blaring in rage I got myself up. Rickety legs of mine took me to my room while my blurred vision was helping a bit.

I stumbled a lot on my path yet, I reached my destination, the bedroom. I had stumbled in life, so many times, still, my immutable destination was Vidyut.

Was that the reason for me to be at the receiving end of pain now and then? I mused over.

After I had reached the room I went inside the washroom and stood under the shower. My tears had dried up and I was exhausted. I was done with the crying shit. If only I would have a switch to turn off my emotions if only I could.

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