CH 15 || Game Of Vengeance

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The alarm triggered for the third time but I didn't want to wake up from the bed. My body was aching awfully. I felt drained of energy. Over and above that, I was timorous to go to the office, because of me. I had always been a woman of self-control and had never provided authority to be controlled by anyone.

But that man, he was creeping his way into my soul, making his space.

I was frightened that my self-restraint would leave me, for the first time in my life. A man whom I had met just for a night was making me feel assorted emotions even when nothing had happened between us.

I didn't remember much of the night, except we had talked. Precisely, I had talked and he had listened. I remembered his one-liners a little.

'Don't cry.' He said, holding me softly in his arms.

He had brought a glass of water closer to my lips when my sobs had turned into hiccups, 'Drink.'

'Your eyes, they are...' Tracing my eyelids he became mute. I anticipated what he would say and the word had me feel shy, 'Pretty'

He had inched closer to my lips. My eyes were closed. I was letting him overrule me but then the door to the room was knocked, the reason why his lips didn't meet mine.

We hadn't crossed any boundaries but I had sought comfort, crying in another man's arms that night. It was so unethical, yet felt so right to me.

I was ashamed of myself.


After the shower, I got down in my casuals and was planning to call in for a sick day. There were sundry delicacies on the breakfast table. It seemed like the meal of a feast. They all were my favourites.

"Is there any occasion today?" I questioned taking a seat.

"Mr. Kohli called and asked to make these all, for you," replied Liza. That was quite stupefying for me. I clearly remembered there was no occasion. It was neither my birthday nor any special day of ours.

Planning to not cajole my brain over anything else, I tried to have my breakfast in peace. The keyword was, "tried'.

I was just putting the toast in my mouth when my phone rang. It was the man who had seized my ataraxy. I eluded the call even when there was a rule I had to pick up whenever he would call.

I had never contravened a rule and pondered over what if I break one. It's not like he would fire or will he? Even if he would, it was going to be in my favour only, so I didn't pick up.

Having my favourite creamy french toast I noticed a bunch of red roses in the vase at a table in the corner. I scowled with my knitted brows. I had reminded every staff member that I didn't want roses in my house, yet they were there.

"Liza, where did those roses come from?" Vidyut would never send one without any special day. It was for certain from someone else.

"That..." Her words trailed off and her eyes looking at my back. I turned around only to be stunned. Vidyut had come back. That clearly explained the existence of the bouquet of red flowers.

He seemed worn out, his eyes puffy and had bags underneath them as if hadn't slept well.

I walked to him, wanting to embosom him so that all his enervation would dissipate, but Vidyut showed me his palm.

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