CH 25 || The Vow Of The New Beginning

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The staff took the tray from me and left when I stepped out of the room. I remained outside of the room, hearing her sob. She was attempting not to make sound but was failing miserably.

A few seconds prior, she had acted all strong in front of me. Now that when I was out of her sight, she was liberating her emotions.

"She is crying?" I heard Lisa who had arrived to check up on Aditi.

I didn't reply. There was nothing I could have said. I thought she would go to Aditi but she didn't.

"It's for good. She needed to let it all out." Her demeanor changed soon and she was back to being cold to me.

"Leave her alone. I will check up on her after a while." She warned before leaving as if I would have listened to her.

I knew I had broken her, pierced a knife into her heart, had almost crushed her sorrowful soul, but, I was mindful that it was only me who could bring her out of the miseries, every one of them. Even though Lisa left, I stayed. I wasn't feeling fine with the growing intensity of Aditi's pain but I just couldn't leave her alone. Furthermore, she didn't even need to know I was there for her.

With Aditi's muffled cries I recalled my mother crying when my father, who was just a sperm donor in my eyes, had hurt her. She had spent days and nights in pain and I was doing the same with Aditi. I had unknowingly become like him.

That realization hit me hard as if a bucket of ice-cold water was splashed onto me.

I had become like none other than him only, the one because of whom my mother died, the one who destroyed my whole life. I couldn't take it well. That info was messing up with my head and was troubling me to the hilt. I needed fresh air to breathe so I walked out. Even the ample amount of oxygen couldn't help me out.

I was in the lawn, trying to breathe, making an effort to overlook the already acknowledged fact of me being like him. In other words, I was putting all the stops to have my thoughts sorted out, and then I heard him.

"You are no different from me, son" On my right stood him, my father. I knew it was just a flash yet it seemed surreal. There was no guilt in his eyes. He seemed proud over the fact that I was becoming like him.

"Do not call me your son. I am nothing like you." I yelled. He snickered before he walked to me.

"Yes, you are. Don't say that. Look at yourself and tell me you don't see me in you." I turned to my left. In the glass window of the outhouse, I could picture my reflection, the same as his.

"How much ever you try but you can't change the fact that you have my blood in your veins. If you hate me that means you would hate yourself too because you will one day become like me and realize whatever I did was just a mistake." He vanished in thin air after that.

He called hurting my mother a mistake, killing her a mistake, committing the grave sin a mistake. My mother only tried to help him but he went far ahead. He destroyed us entirely and now there I stood alone, without the one woman I loved the most.

I was fuming because I couldn't kill him. I wanted to torture him, inflict pain on his soul. I wanted to torment him till he pleads for death and then I wanted to tear him apart. I was burning with smouldering fury and needed to vent out.

There was one way of workout that I knew would help. I picked up the axe kept in the lawn and started digging with the scorching pace. I kept on going with that, busting a gut, to remove his presence from my mind.

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