Chapter 1

950 46 44

Dedicated to @cassandracas1

A shapely butt enticingly framed by a red and white pinstripe pencil skirt nudged the partially open office door wider after which small feet in thin stilettos of patent red hastily manoeuvred their way safely to the neat desk that was their destination.

Carefully she placed the contents that filled her hands---manilla envelopes that were laden with papers that urgently needed to be filed, a leather laptop bag and her shoulder bag that kept slipping off a delicate shoulder because of the sheer silky white shirt---on her desk.

With a sigh of relief,  Wendy Preston leaned a defined hip against the desk took the cell phone that she had nestled between her shoulder blade and the side of her head, and continued her conversation.

"Leela surely you know I can't turn up to Georgia's wedding without you know who and to make it worse you know who does not even exist."

Her dearest friend giggled and said. "We both know he exists girl it's just that he happens to be your boss."

Wendy groaned as she walked around her desk and boots up her computer. She wished she had just told her mother the truth, but seeing her all forlorn and depleted by her chemo treatment had caused her to spin a tale that was now biting her hard on the rotund ass.

She had only wanted to make her mother's Christmas better by giving her something more to be festive about so she had lied to her about being in a relationship and very much happy.

That was all there was to be about it but as her luck would have it her aunt and cousin had walked into the kitchen just as she had blurted out this white lie to her mother.

It had grieved her to listen to her mother lamenting about her being alone and still tangled up in the betrayal of Brandon's infidelities. The sorrow that it caused had propelled her to provide some solace to her mother's concerns and worries.

Catherine was her lifeline. Her mother meant the world to her. It was hard enough to know her mum had lost her beloved husband at the time when she was fighting her hardest to defeat the cancer in her breast that was raging war on her survival.

She surely could not bear adding to her mother's frustration by having her burdened with concerns about her well-being. No mother should have to overly worry about their twenty-seven-year-old daughter.

She could still remember how her aunt and cousin had sprung on her with hugs and kisses of delight. God knows she had just meant to leave it at that, return home to her quiet apartment in Dresdale and put it all behind her but nothing in her life ever followed the 123 steps and it was never as easy as ABC either.

Here she was four months after their annual family Christmas dinner caught up in a matter that she thought she had left in her mother's kitchen.

Her mother, her relatives and the few close friends of the family had not only celebrated the festive season but Georgia's engagement to the love of her life and yes her so-called relationship in the mix.

She had received so many congratulations and well wishes she had thought Adam and Georgia must be left feeling sidelined.

She could hardly have waited for it all to be over because some person or the other had wanted a back story on her so-called lover, or on how things were progressing in her new love affair, and what were their plans.

Mrs McFarlane had even hinted that another nuptial could be in the making. She had started a freaking wildfire and all she could do was stand and grin stupidly as it escalated.

"Why the hell did I tell them I was in a relationship? And to make matters worse I made it be with Mr. Arrogant himself. Of all the freaking persons in my life, why did I have to give them the impression I am in a relationship with Deacon Ffrench?"

"Well, could it be because you secretly lust after that sexy panty wetter with the curl toe physic and hedonistic sexual appeal?" Leela drawled teasingly.

"If you don't quit am going to hang up," she warned halfheartedly before saying. "And what if I lust after him? He is a hot specimen that I with my four pairs of eyes can see. All that intriguing delightful attraction he possesses even I can not ignore even if he's a grumpy dictator."

"One thing I like about you Wen is that you were never one to say nay when it's yea," Leela said and they both giggled.

"If only I had not said nay at our Christmas Dinner I would not be in this predicament," she sighed. "But I just could not bear to see Mother hurting at my expense anymore, and that is exactly what it is going to come down to because I have to tell them it was all a lie."

There was a brief silence between the two as they both looked into the depth of what lay ahead of her.

"I can't tell them it's not true. I can't tell them Lee because then it will be about me and Georgia and Adam does not deserve that. I---"

"Listen all you have to do is tell Mr. Sexy ass Deacon Ffrench you're asking him to be you're pretend lover for three days and two nights surely he's not that heartless," Leela said in an attempt to help her friend.

Wendy who had put the phone on speaker so that she could sort the files on her desk and still talk to her friend glared at the phone and replaced the file she had taken up to scan through.

"Like seriously Lee? Ok so am just going to go to him when he arrives and say as I hand him his coffee." She paused and cleared her throat.

Leela giggled as she awaited her friend's response.

"Mr. Ffrench it so happens that I gave my mother and family the impression that we are dating. I even went as far as to show them that photo of us when you handed me your customary Christmas bonus cheque at the office Christmas party.

Yeah you know the one where I gave you that surprise thank you kiss--- yep too much eggnog does that--- and got scarlet lipstick on your cheek and Evelyn took that moment to snap us as I was wiping it off....yeah that photo.

Why I kept it stashed in my purse for the love of my sanity I cannot tell, but what an impression it made on my family along with my little white lie that just got out of hand in the blink of an eye. Now everyone expects you as my beau to come up with me for the weekend as I happen to be the maid of honor at my cousin's wedding.

Would you be so kind as to oblige me in getting out of this little hell that I have created for myself? I just didn't want to see my mother hurting any further at my expense. How about that?"

Before Leela could reply a familiar husky voice filled with that deep baritone that spoke of twisted sheets and wild worldly pleasures came from the vicinity of the much more masculine-defined desk that occupied the far left of the office space.

"Well I would gladly oblige you Miss Preston but I do have a few conditions."

A surprised and gaping Wendy stared at the desk with its plush leather chair now turned around to reveal the much present Deacon Ffrench with his misty ash-grey eyes staring intently at her.

"Le...Leela, I got to go now."


Hey, guys am back with another cliché romance 😊

I hope as you read along you'll get to become a part of the ups and downs, twists and turns, joys and happiness, and yes triumphs of my character's lives as they journey through the chapters of White Lies and Sweet Compromise.

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