Back in Evelyn's apartment.
Elizabeth was surprised that she actually ate all the food that was placed before her and that it stays down. She was drinking her second cup of chamomile tea when Evelyn came and sat by the table squarely facing her and staring intently at her.
She tried to push away the foreboding sense of unease and with a smile she hoped did not show her unease she said sweetly.
"Breakfast was delicious."
Evelyn smiled sweetly her face showing her appreciation for Elizabeth's compliment. She reached for the empty plate and took it to the sink and Elizabeth glanced around the neatly kept living/dining room.
There was not much to tell about the woman who lived here. It was rather like a space occupied than an actual home. She had earlier walked to the bookshelf only to find a wide variety of romance novels and a cd player, she had read a few of the case covers of the CDs but they held no interest to her she as she was not a fan of classical music.
When Evelyn returned to take her place at the table her hand curled around the stem of a wine glass bearing an ample amount of a burgundy liquid she frowns and said.
"Isn't it too early..."
Evelyn smiled and took a long drink as if showing her she did not care what time of the day it was, she even glared at her as if saying who are you to question shit. She was right she did a few, well more than a few things that warranted a few questioning glares and more.
"Awwwmm," she said looking away then back and ask. "Could you call me a cab now?"
Evelyn took another drink and place the now almost empty wine glass on the table and said. "We still have to get Deacon on the knowledge that you're not going to sit aside and let him discard you and the baby."
Elizabeth was through sitting around and dealing with Evelyn's crazy notions. She rose from the table and demanded that she called a cab as she was going to get her purse and shoes.
It however, was not Evelyn's intention to do such. She casually took the glass and raise it to her lips and drain the rest of its contents.
Elizabeth was busy looking around and searching for her belongings in the room she earlier occupied only to turn up uneventful barge back into the room and demanded her belongings.
"Listen you little twisted fuck, get me my things so I can get the hell out of here!"
Evelyn rise from the chair and flung the glass on the floor by Elizabeth's bare feet causing it to shatter and send splinters and broken chunks flying against her feet. In fright, she automatically stepped back causing her to step on a piece of the glass that was behind her.
She yelped in pain but Evelyn paid no attention to her being hurt. She glared at Elizabeth and shouted "You ungrateful bitch. I am the one who is here for you! Where is Deacon hmmm? Off with that slut of a PA while you waste yourself away in a restaurant bathroom and with friends th1at not once dared to call to see what has happened to you!
You're the mother of his child yet he wants nothing to do with you both. What's so special about Wendy Preston? Well, let me tell you, nothing absolutely NOTHING!"
Elizabeth groaned in discomfort as she stared at the irate woman in front of her. Her feet throbbed but she found herself more concerned with the crazed woman before her.
"Please," she begged, "you are not getting any of what is going on in my life. Deacon and I only had an affair going on because I was trying to get my lover jealous. I am not in love with Deacon or am I having his child. He was only a convenience for me as I was for him. I needed someone to run to in my broken despair and Deacon was it."
"Wow," Evelyn laughed harshly and clapped as she said. "And the winning performance goes to Elizabeth Cadwell for best bull shit performance!"
Tears spilt down Elizabeth's cheek as she eased her hurt feet from off the ground and tried to get through to the woman before her.
"Please," she pleaded again. "I have no reason to lie. I am not in love with Deacon and I am pregnant for someone else. I only turned to Deacon out of spite and my stupidity.
I care for Deacon a lot but how I reacted to his news of getting married was because I was angry at being rejected twice in the same week.
I have nothing against Wendy Preston. I was mean and spiteful because I was secretly holding a grudge that she was getting what I desired with someone else."
Evelyn stepped menacingly towards Elizabeth who automatically stepped back on her injured foot and she yelped in pain. There was no care or feeling for her wellbeing as the much stouter woman advance to her. She placed her hands out in front of her as she tried to think of a way out of Evelyn's crazy drive to reassemble her and Deacon's so-called relationship.
"I posted the pictures of you throwing up in the restaurant bathroom and I gave it a rather fitting caption. I made it all better," she told a now shocked Elizabeth. "And when Deacon and his father see it as I know eventually some hungry tabloid reporter is going to get wind of it and take it to the papers you will thank me for getting your relationship back."
"Nooooo!" Elizabeth screamed before lunging at her, her actions fueled by pure adrenaline. With her fingers curved like talons, she made for the unsuspecting woman and clawed at her wildly but her wild fight was quickly subdued by Evelyn who stepped on her injured feet causing her to cry out in pain and stepping back.
Elizabeth had no time to register anything else that happened because Evelyn gave her a hard punch to the side of the head sending her to the floor in a heap of crumbled darkness.
Evelyn stood over the unconscious woman and stared down at her. She stood like that for long given time just staring and unmoving Elizabeth. Her face was a blank and emotionless mask but her eyes raged wild.
When she did move it was to go towards the bookshelf to choose a CD from the stock there. She placed it in the CD player which filled the apartment with soothing instrumentals as soon as she pressed play.
After she was through she walked to the counter stepping without concern over the unconscious woman curled up in a heap by the shattered pieces of the broken wine glass. There on the counter was the unfinished bottle of red wine, she found a new glass, pour herself another ample amount of wine and took a long drink then contentedly sighed as she smiled.
Hello, my darlings 😊Am I the only one wondering what's going on with Evelyn? 🙄
😳 Evelyn is taking this to a whole other level and Elizabeth is the one who is suffering for it. Let's hope nothing dier happens 😦
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Thanks 🥰

White Lies and Sweet Compromise( 𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌💕)
Romance𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞✔︎ Wendy Preston can surely attest to having her share of mishaps and that one heartbreak that will last her a lifetime. Her way of getting away from it all was to leave the place where it all happened and only keep in touch with th...