Chapter 7

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With Georgia getting overly excited and then going on an emotional low because of wedding anxiety Wendy had her hands full. She had to threaten her that she would not come up and participate in the wedding if she did not take a chill pill and relax. Her mother and aunt were still coaxing her to relax when she got off the phone.

The fact that she had also spent the majority of the night chatting away with Leela and downing a full bottle of red wine was also not a plus in the day's events. Her head was pounding and she too had her anxieties to deal with.

Every time the office door opened her heart did a series of crazy flips in the fear that some deranged conquest of Deacon would barge in to defend their territory, or even worse his father would return to demand that she hightailed herself out of his son's life and stop messing with his plans.

It did not offer any solace that it was just Elen coming in to relay some matter or hand over various tasks she had finished, or that it was not Deacon to help fend off any of the dragons that threatened to destroy her fairy tale world as Leela had called it last night in one aspect of their discussion.

It was not easy dealing with her inquisitive co-workers either, she knew she was very much the topic of everyone's conversation. Her mind was reeling with what she figured they were busy chatting about.

Just when she had done her best to stay locked away in her office and out of their way she let herself leave for the canteen only to encounter two overly excited and awestruck girls from Accounts.

They were much to her amazement quick to delve into the how and the when of her relationship with Mr. Hotty Deacon Ffrench.

She almost laughed when the nerdier of the two said in dismay. "I don't think I could handle all the lovers, but you can knock them out of his mind as you sure are an attractive and classy woman."

The other nodded in total agreement and then giggled. "And you sure knock them out as you are going to marry him. I bet they surely are jealous of you. I know I am."

"Jess!" the taller of the two chastised and her friend's chubby face flushed with embarrassment.

With a mumbled excuse she walked away before the conversation went any further and rushed back to her office where she willed the time to speed on by.

She should go down to the board room with the necessary papers that Deacon had requested and see to it as well that all was in place before the attendees of the meeting arrived.

She needed to have something to do as she was going crazy with all sorts of scenarios that could unfold when she took Deacon to her family home. To distract herself she retrieved the email that was sent to her by Deacon this morning and scanned through it.

She already had in place the things that he instructed and was closing the message when Evelyn who was not at work yesterday but very much on par with all the news walked into the office pulled a chair from in front of Deacon's desk and leaned towards her in a conspiracy pose after she sat.

"So all along you were having an office romance with our boss," she said with a delightful giggle. "I saw something at the Christmas Party but was not sure, but here we are you hitting some renowned and famous women off Deacon's pedestal and taking full perch."

"Evelyn," Wendy said with a note of irritation, "Whatever Mr. Ffrench and I have going on is nobody's damn business and more so not yours."

This did not deter her from continuing, "So tell me were you two together when he took Sandy Gomez to the Black and White Charity Gala on New Year's Eve?"

She did not wait for an answer but rushed on her piercing blue eyes dancing with the delight of all the juicy tidbits that she could bring to light.

"With that flimsy ensemble of a dress and the way she was all over him am sure she did not just accompany him..."

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