Cynthia eyed Deacon and Wendy. The conversation around the table became light and jovial as they ate their meal. Often an occasional few would come by to offer congratulations and as they chatted up Georgia in offerings of well wishes she knew each wanted something on the couple that was seated adjacent to her.
Her eyes took in the way that Deacon would caress Wendy's hand or lean into her when she spoke or how often his eyes would travel to her. They were not as engrossed as Georgia and Adam but the fire was there. It pleased her that Wendy had found someone but she was also worried.
The thought of Wendy seeing Brandon again after all these years had her wondering if the past was strong enough to bridge the gap to the present and send chaos into her daughter's world.
She reached for her wine glass and took a sip as her eyes travelled the dining area and sought out Brandon. He was by a table being the perfect host and having what appears to be a rather animated conversation with its occupants.
As if feeling her eyes on him he looked towards their table but his eyes were on Wendy. He let his eyes drink her in one swift glance but it was long enough to set her on edge.
With a stern glare, she made it known to him that Wendy was off-limits. Whatever they had was long over. He had made his choice years ago and so had Sonia. This was a battlefield and she would fight for her daughter's happiness with all she had.
Precilla who was also keen on what was happening and very much the mischief-maker told the young couples that the best way to end the night was to dance.
"Dance?" Georgia said looking at her mother confused. "There is no place to dance mom."
"Sure there is," Cynthia added with a huge smile. "Now both you and Wen take your man and take to dancing right here at the table there is plenty of room for a slow sensual waltz."
"What?!" Wendy asked looking at them as if they were both crazy.
"You heard," Mrs. Keane who was much for the excitement joined in with a delightful grin.
"I think you three are drunk," Wendy said looking at them and shaking her head. "I think it's time to go home."
"I think they are onto something," Adam said pushing back his chair and reaching for Georgia who grinned and took his hand.
Deacon too got up and pulled Wendy with him. He smiled broadly at her as he held her close and gave her a little spin. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands wound themselves around her waist.
"I believe I best get you back to the city," Wendy giggled as he spins her again gently. "My family is beginning to be a crazy influence."
"And what of you Wendy, are you not to blame for my bizarre behaviour as well?" he asked pressing her closer into his hard frame so deliciously enticing as it fit close to hers.
She dipped her head but he only pressed his face closer and whispered in her ear. "I so want to ravish you."
Wendy's body trembled against his and her eyes widened as she looked out at the people who stared at them. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Georgia and Adam lost in their private world with no care but for each other.
Could she allow herself that type of freedom with Deacon? She knew the basis of what they had and it was not like she was clouding it with a false sense of security or placing things where they did not belong.
Would it be so detrimental to give in to what was brewing between them? Deep down in the very core of her, she knew she wanted him, and knowing they were not going to part ways anytime soon she might as well stop fighting the inevitable.
She looked from the watching faces and buried her forehead into his chest, for a while she listened to the steady beat of his heart before she said softly, "I want you to."
"Tell me," he said as he gave their closely nestled body one more gentle turn.
"I want you to... to ravish me," she said letting the words fall from her lips and paying homage to her desires.
She felt fire leap into her center as his warm breath fan against her ear as he spoke.
"It will be my pleasure."
He stepped slightly away from her then gave her one final twirl then a half dip, his eyes held hers in their mesmerizing pool of grey as he righted her and pulled her close to him once more. Just then the dance ended and cheers filled the room. They smiled politely as they resumed their seats.
Wendy felt a surge of disappointment she wanted so much to stay in Deacon's arms a little longer. She wanted to revel in his intoxicating scent, enjoy the masculine outline of him against her, and more so lose herself in the touch of his strong lean fingers as they touched her hungry body.
A feeling of anticipation wrapped itself around her as he helped her into her chair. Tonight she had allowed herself to tear down her boundary completely.
There was no going back on her words. Deacon was not a man who played word games. What he said was what he meant. She already got a few occasions to taste the succulent ambrosia of Deacon's wantoness she craved to feast on the full course platter of his primal desire for her.
She would have that one opportunity that she had secretly envisioned on so many occasions. She would not deny herself when the time came.
There were days when she had found herself being pulled into a hedonistic world. Their naked aroused flesh joined in unison, their sweaty bodies tangled in loving embrace, hungry lips and exploring hands taking them on adventures where adult movies would reign supreme.
The sight of him coming into the office so immaculate and manly in well-tailored suits that accentuated his authority and control as it outlined a body that she was getting more and more in need of as her attraction intensified had her bordering on the edge of perversion.
It was his womanizing ways and arrogance that had kept it all in check. He was also her boss and nowhere in her well-planned life did it involve another heartbreak.
With Deacon Ffrench it was no strings attached, no sentimental value it was just the physical pleasure as he lived on being the successful businessman with his long string of love 'em and leave 'em Barbies.
His choice of women was another thing that had kept her in check. His choices range in a specific area of 32"-36", 22"-26", and 33"-35" and she did not fit in with her slightly slender and rather curvacious figure.
She remembered Leela telling her once that he was not man enough to handle a woman of her stature. Men like Deacon were little prissy boys because what they wanted were Barbies. She had not paid it any mind then because it was never really an issue to her.
Her attraction was not so overwhelming that she had sat around and pined with jealousy or held grudges because of his many affairs with women so unlike her, but now that he had so matter-of-factly stated that he was going to claim her in the most sensual of ways something close to fear creep in and she wondered if he too would turn from her when it was all over.
No, it was best she saw to it that it never gets started. It was no use piling up more miscellaneous conduct in this farce even if she craved the sweet compromise that awaited her for the taking.
Life had taught her one hard lesson with Brandon already and she was never going to let it beat her again, no matter how much she craved the beating.
Sup y'all?
Wendy seems to be torn between wanting Deacon and all his sinfully sensual pleasures but the past is very much in the present telling her that nothing good can come from it.
Will Deacon be able to convince her that a step in this direction was nothing but pure pleasure and fulfilment?
Thanks for your reads, comments and votes...🥰😍😊
🏃🏽♀️💨 Race you to the next chapter 😁

White Lies and Sweet Compromise( 𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌💕)
Romantik𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞✔︎ Wendy Preston can surely attest to having her share of mishaps and that one heartbreak that will last her a lifetime. Her way of getting away from it all was to leave the place where it all happened and only keep in touch with th...