"You are absolutely radiating," Leela giggled as she looked at a totally different Wendy. "I know everyone is going to know you had sex."
"Not you too Lee," Wendy blushed as she adjusted her phone to show her friend the finishing touches that were made to the garden. "I called to check up on you and show you what's happening here."
Leela only smiled some more as she stared at her friend who was a reflection of the satisfaction that came with good sex.
"Well who have eyes let them see," she smiled fondly at Wendy then shared her admiration for the final touches of the garden. "It sure lovely to have something nice in my day, it sure has been hell here at the clinic."
"So have you met the new management yet?" Wendy asks taking a seat on one of the plush chairs and giving her friend her undivided attention.
"Later today," she informed. "Mr Caswell informed that he will be in around late afternoon."
The displeasure in Leela's voice was evident and Wendy knew she was apprehensive that the clinic will lose its purpose now that it was under the management of some wealthy cooperation.
"Well, I think you should wait before you start with any hasty judgements," Wendy told her. "The clinic needed the financial backing and with that new upliftment as well as the addition of the pediatric and dental clinic it's bound to benefit the community well."
"More like benefit someones already lined pocket," she grumbled.
"Relax, Mr Caswelll would never let his hard work end up in the hands of money grabbers," she said hoping to get her friend out of the dreadful thoughts that plagued her.
"Humph," she responded as she pushed a few strands of curly hair that escaped from her raven ponytail. "The old man just didn't want to see the clinic go under he sold to the highest bidder hun."
"Lee comes on, you're just being prejudice. There is no way you can prove that and it's time to stop wrapping up your family affairs in this."
With a sigh, she looked towards some object on her desk and she knew it was probably the picture of her family. When others boasted pictures of loved ones Leela did it to constantly remind herself that her family were just a reminder as to why she was determined to live her own life.
"Cheer up Lee," Wendy insisted, "Give the guy a try and you did say, Mr Caswell, said he had a close to heart reason for taking over the clinic."
"Enough about me and my grudges," Leela said smiling, "so how was it?"
"Christ, you can be such a sinful creature," Wendy laughed. "The two times late last night and that steamy and provocative encounter in the shower early this morning is what dreams are made of."
"Lord now you make me want a man," Leela giggled her blue eyes dancing with excitement.
They both laughed and Wendy felt a sense of satisfaction that she was given this opportunity to give herself to someone who seemed equally contented in giving himself to her. Never had she imagined such adulation in sharing yourself with someone and more so in it being Deacon Ffrench.
"I know you're busy with all that is happening for tomorrow's big occasion so am going to attend to a few loose ends here before Mr and Mrs Withers arrive," Leela said somewhat reluctantly.
"Just relax ok," Wendy said, "And I love you."
"Love you too chocolate," Leela smiled before they rang off and she slipped her phone into the back pocket of her ripped jeans.
"Wen there you are," her aunt's voice said behind her.
She turns to see Deacon and Precilla walking towards her and her heart actually fluttered as she stared at him. She felt all the giddy headed emotions that came with being totally cocked whipped and completely falling. She was sure of it, last night only open her eyes to it and made it all clear.
She smiled and hope it did not convey her emotions as she was not the least bit capable of being seen as another hanger-on who got hooked line and sinker.
The thought of last night however, with him looking so delectable in skinny ash wash boot cut jeans and a basic black shirt and a pair of well-worn sneakers, did not add to her trying hard to remain cool and collected.
For most of her time knowing him, Deacon Ffrench wore business suits and cut to perfection tuxedos, seeing him dress down and all casual sent her midsection blazing with much need and raging wantonness for more of last. Her knees actually went figuratively weak.
It was a darn lucky thing that she was actually sitting down because she was sure being upright would have sent her toppling like a sack of apples at his feet.
Precilla was saying something and it took her a few seconds to comprehend that her aunt was even talking to her. She blinked trying to clear her mind of all the primitive thoughts that involved her and Deacon naked, joined and sweaty.
"Sure we can," she heard Deacon said as he came to stand by her. "And that will allow me to see the orchards."
Wendy smiled and nodded as if she was aware of what the conversation was about and found herself looking to a now retreating Precilla. Her aunt was it seemed was on another venture with a few of the event planning staff on something that her daughter wanted to add to the already charming atmosphere of the garden wedding.
Her voice drifted over to her as she instructed them but she turned her focus to Deacon and smiled sheepishly.
"Awwwm, exactly what it is that we can do?" she asked.
Deacon smiled and took a step towards her and lessen the space between them. The spicy earthy scent of him assailed her and she was once again thrown into the whirlpool of need.
Was it going to always be like this? She was a walking body of need where he was concerned.
"There are plenty of things we can do," he said softly his voice laced with possibilities that were far from what her aunt intended.
She brought out her Wendy at the office persona and pulled herself together before she caved in to the devil that stood before her. Whatever transpired between them last night she could not forget that this was nothing but a farce. All they had was lies and a compromise.
"Mr Ffrench if you don't mind I would like to get whatever it is done that my aunt requires of us."
She was a bit taken aback by Deacon's surprise frown and momentary puzzlement but he had too many years being the businessman with eased tactics and practice composure to remain baffled.
"Precilla wants us to take lunch to the workers down at the orchard seem with all that's happening up here no one can leave to take it," he told her staring intently at her as if wanting to say something else.
"Let's go then," she said stepping away but Deacon stopped her by reaching out for her arm and pulling her firmly against him and taking her glossy lips in a kiss that burned away all her sensibilities.
"Let's go now," he told her after he pulled away sometime later leaving her a flustered mess as he turned away.
This was more than she bargain for, way more.
Did Wendy just call Deacon Mr Ffrench after the night they spend together?
Surely she’s not expecting it to be like that after their little rendezvous? Deacon is all for the pleasure and by no means is he going to get all business-like after what transpired.
How is he going to handle this?
Please comment and vote 🙃
Thank you 🙂

White Lies and Sweet Compromise( 𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌💕)
Romance𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞✔︎ Wendy Preston can surely attest to having her share of mishaps and that one heartbreak that will last her a lifetime. Her way of getting away from it all was to leave the place where it all happened and only keep in touch with th...