Dresdale half hour later.Leela was a bunch of nerves and a raging five feet four inches of PMS blues. Of all the days for her period to start, it had to be the day when she had an opening and tour of the newly renovated clinic. Her head was pounding with the ache of a tremendous migraine and her lower back felt like little men with pitchforks were having a go at it.
"Are you sure the caterer got the right address, Daniel? They should have been here fifteen minutes ago," Leela asked as she placed the bottle of water she took to take the pain killers that Daniel handed to her on her desk.
"Please relax girl, you're driving me nuts here," the brunette with the fire-engine red lips said with a pout. "It is all going to go great."
Leela tried to convince herself that was indeed a possibility but it was not working. If only they had come yesterday as scheduled and without the flair and aplomb, she would have been so much better.
To add to it Mr Caswell had chucked her snap dab into the very centre of the limelight. She only hopes this did not make it beyond the small town as she did not want a certain family to ever find her. She had run too far and hard to let it all boil down to them getting a hold on her.
She groaned and tried to ignore the pounding in her head and indicated that Daniel followed her to check on any last-minute brush-up. With occupying herself with whatever activity that might need attention was also a good distraction.
They left the nurses station and went into the main area where she saw that the camera crew were already up and taking clipping that they would later compile into a feature of the Clinic.
She turned to head over to the steps that lead to the newly refurbished area of the clinic when she saw Mr Caswell motioning excitedly to someone who was approaching. She stood and observe as the camera crew home in on whoever it was and her body flood with apprehension.
Why could this not have been a simple affair? An article in the local paper would have sufficed instead of this debacle that she knew she was barely going to survive due to her anxiety.
She reached for Daniel hand seeking a sense of support and comfort but the younger woman was far from aware of anything but the man that walked into the observing gathering of patrons, staff and technical crew.
Leela too was caught up with the man and his companion as well. Like a statue she watched them walk further into the waiting area as memories she thought she had buried came tumbling back like a ton of bricks on her already frazzled composure.
"My word is that our new boss?" Daniel gasp as her eyes did a brazen run over of the tall aristocratic figure clad in a charcoal business suit approach where they stood.
Kylie and Lionel Withers could not be the new owners. Mr Caswell did say Mr and Mrs Withers but if it were their parents surely it would not have made the situation any better considering what they did years ago, but they she had been prepared to handle.
She pushed her hair behind her ears and stood her ground, surely they would not cause a scene here. This day might be her salvation for a bit until she has to flee yet again.
Her heart flooded with pain but she plastered a smile on her lips and prayed that she made it through the events that lay ahead.
She tried to focus on Mr Caswell but her eyes kept straying to Lionel. He was still attractive and beguiling with his sauve and easy-going manner.
She saw that he still had that unruly mane of dark brown hair with its streaks of gold, his eyes were the same brown with flecks of gold and she remembered clearly that his left eyebrow had a scaring he got when she and Kylie had sneaked into his treehouse when they were kids and unintentionally broke the door which caused it to fell right in his face when he tried to open it.
She remembered how furious he had been. It was not about his busted brow but how his sister had brought her mousy friend to snoop around. She had been too caught up with the gorgeous teenager to take offence to being called mousy.
She had spent all her life secretly admiring Lionel Withers. She and Kylie was his shadow until Kylie had grown out of her fascination with her older sophisticated brother leaving her the girl who was in the shadows filled with dreams, desires and fantasies about a guy she could never have until that night a twist of faith had caused her to end up with him in bed.
Kylie's voice breaking into her thoughts had her swallowing visibly as she closed her mind from the memories that she visited on so many occasions as they were forever etched in her memories and heart.
Lionel Leonardo Withers has been her only love and seeing him again after all this time made it all the more evident.
"Kylie," she breathes as the slender frame of her childhood friend engulfs her in a tight warm hug.
She closed her eyes and return the hug as the years before her life came falling apart gave her a sense of comfort, but only as long as the hug lasted.
"It's good to see you at last," Kylie said pulling away to eye her up and down before staring into a face that was now though pale as a ghost had all the eye-catching traits of an attractive young woman.
"You're looking lovely as always," she said finding her sensibilities to conduct a comprehensive response.
She smiled sweetly her only acknowledgement of the compliment before turning to her brother and saying. "Leo look who's here."
Eyes of piercing brown swimming with golden flecks were trained on Leela since Lionel came to stand by her and Daniel. Silently they compelled her to look at him but she did not have the courage however when his voice filled her ears and the words spoken played in her head her blue eyes shot up to his.
"It's good to see you again Lee."
Her pale face blazed a telltale red as the way he said it and the secret she held dear gave her a different meaning altogether.
She searched his face for some evidence that he spoke of what they shared that night years ago but all she saw was a composed and polite young man who was too damn gorgeous for her peace of mind.
She was even openly surprised when he took her limp hand in a firm handshake which she was for a minute left to wonder if she imagined that he held a tad bit longer than necessary.
"I am RN Daniel Murphy," Daniel said stretching out her hand putting an end to the handshake.
"Come this way please Mr and Ms Withers." Mr Caswell said cutting in. The new areas are waiting for your cutting of the ribbon and Ms Withers unveiling of the dedicated paediatric ward in your fathers' honour."
A pouting Daniel missing her chance to have a go at Lionel glared at Mr Caswell as he leads the way and more so when she saw Lionel took Leela by the elbow and helped her along while Kylie made conversation with a rather excited Mr Caswell.
Leela could attract everyone to her with just a stare it took no hard work on her path because she was an attractive woman that needed nothing to garner attention. She liked Leela as she was a sweet and caring person that would never deliberately hurt you even though she was a bit reserved and was more concerned about work.
She figured she had her baggage and like most people were just waiting for the day she could unload.
Well not being one to hold any grudges Daniel focused her attention on one of the news crew giving him a come hither smile because after all today was a celebration of new beginnings.
Sup 😊
Leela is up to her neck in emotions that are out of control thanks to the PMS Blues and her fears, but as life would have when it comes for you it comes packing a ton and swinging hard and heavy.
What will become of her and this blast from the past?Comments are appreciated, Votes too and so is your continued support ❤︎

White Lies and Sweet Compromise( 𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌💕)
Romance𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞✔︎ Wendy Preston can surely attest to having her share of mishaps and that one heartbreak that will last her a lifetime. Her way of getting away from it all was to leave the place where it all happened and only keep in touch with th...