Chapter 25

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Deacon was grateful for the distraction that talking with a few of the young pickers offered but it was not a lasting distraction as his every sense was tuned in to Wendy.

He was still berating himself for getting so worked up about her reaction to their night together, but what had he expected? Did he think she was going to forget who he was how he conducted his life and affairs? He should have known better, but this was the first time he had ever been in love.

He knew the feeling that was alien yet so accommodating it was love pure and simple and he could not deny it. He was not going to deny it.

He knew he had long since fallen hard and deep for his PA years ago. She was the only thing that he could focus on back then and it never stopped. He wanted to make the declaration to Wendy but it seemed the attraction that she had for him did not go beyond wanting more than just having sex.

Funny how the one thing he build his liaison with the opposite sex was the one thing he did not crave with Wendy.

He thought back to last night and the way she had responded to him. She had given as much as she took, ensuring that they both journey down the sensual slope of desire, passion and fulfilment as one. It had felt like the first time for him because nothing came close or can compare to what they shared.

He excused himself and allow them to partake of their lunch that was now distributed to all and before he turns to leave they made him promise to tour the orchard.

He was contemplating going to the pickup when he got a few messages from Kylie which he paused to respond to then on an impulse he walked after Wendy who he saw was going into the far-field that looked like it had greenhouses and few trees neatly rowed in another section.

He needed to apologize to her for his behaviour. Whatever transpired between them last night did not take away from the fact that this was not his ordinary affairs or what they bargained for.

They both had their reasons for journeying down this path and and to be honest he values her as a hardworking, no-nonsense and disciplined woman. If it had not been for a circumstance they would never have been here like this.

He was loving it, to be honest. Wendy's family was far from his, and being around them gave him the freedom and tranquillity he got when he was around Leo and Ky. He also knew he loved her and wanted very much to turn this farce into a reality. He wanted to ensure that he did not make this unforeseen opportunity go down the drain and wash away his desire to give Wendy his heart, body and love.

He smiled appreciatively as he followed behind her as his eyes take in the sway of her hips, the sensual jut of her butt, her shapely legs and her small feet. It always amazed him how small her feet were.

He watched as she reached up for a fruit that was hanging from a low limb and picked it and rubbed it against her blouse as if polishing it then turning it in her fingers to inspect it before bringing it to her lips.

His eyes took in every movement memorising it and cataloguing it with the many other stolen moments he has gathered over the years. She was a pleasure to watch. The uncunning seductress enchanted him with her breathtaking innocence.

He waited for her to bite down in the fruit and his mind leapt to life with her biting into the fruit its sweet juice trickling from her lips to her chin and down to her neck to slip between the crook of her glorious breasts.

His body leapt at the thought of him licking the sweet juice mixed with the intoxicating taste of her. As his desire meshed with memories of last night's escapade his raging hormones leapt to life.

He needed Wendy and he was going to make sure she was aware of it. With more purposeful strides he made to catch up with her. He was very good at persuasion, surely he could get her where he wanted her. He was smiling with confidence when he saw her paused and he looked to see that someone was approaching.

He did not know why he hid near one of the apple trees but seeing Brandon approaching sent him in full detective mode. He was for a minute made to wonder if Wendy had come this way to see her ex when he realized that her shocked expression proved otherwise, she was not expecting to see him there.

He made to pull away from the tree when he saw Brandon gleefully hastened to come by Wendy who seems to be contemplating turning around and hightailing it back to the pickup. She nonetheless remained where she stood and tilted her chin in that adamant way he had come to recognize as her facing a situation she had not planned for.

Brandon smiled warmly as he came to stand a few inches from her and when he reached to touch her she chucks the apple at him and walks to a fence that parted the two orchards.

From where he stood he quietly observed their interactions trying to decipher what was Wendy's exact feelings towards her ex.

The exchange might have been polite if he had not moved from where he stood and walk over to her and touch her on her shoulder spinning her around to face him.

It surprised him as much as it did Brandon when a flattened palm connected with his cheek and Wendy shouted at him.

"Don't you ever put your hands on me!"

Brandon stood there and raised his hands in surrender and then stepped slightly away from her and shook his head.

"I kept away from you all these years only to find that you're here on Preston Manor with your very own orchard," she glared at him, "Why can't you and your family just stay away. What more do you want from us, from me?"

He was about to touch her again but he drew his hand quickly away and made to speak but she cut him off with her angry barrage of words.

"I don't care whatever agreement, arrangement or whatever you have with my mother but just know it won't be the same when the estate becomes fully mine. I will not be another of the Brampton conquest."

"Wen it's not like you think," he said in a quiet tone that was intended to calm her but she was having none of it she was pissed.

"You have no idea what I am thinking are you would by no means be here. Have you and your mother not done enough?!"

She did not wait for an answer but turn on her heels and stormed off leaving him standing there just like Deacon in the shadows staring after her. Deacon watch as Brandon walk over to the fencing and leaned down on it seeming to be more dejected and hurt than he would care to comprehend.

It seems there was something here to Brandon that deemed too painful to warrant his dislike.

He wanted to see the other man as the enemy as someone he could defeat for Wendy and claimed her as his own, but the man that stood a few feet away from him was obviously already defeated.

The man at the restaurant that stared with open longing at Wendy would be a better opponent.

He moved away from where he stood but as he did so Brandon turned around and made to leave  causing them to come face to face. They stared at each other the silence between them charged with male dominance, but no words were said as the other man turned and walk away prompting Deacon to do the same.



Wendy is not taking to Brandon setting up his own orchard at Preston Manor but if the past is the past why should it matter where Brandon is... and being in love with Deacon should no doubt stifle any feelings she had for her ex right? 🤔

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