Chapter 17

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Wendy wanted to hightail it back to the Manor and lock herself away in the confines of her bedroom. This was beginning to be much more than she cared to handle.

All she wanted was to attend her cousin's wedding, share in the beautiful moment and return to her life away from Duncan Cove where it seemed her heart's jagged pieces seemed to stand out more on end.

It felt like life just decided it was going to feed her to all the circumstances that were hell-bent on driving her crazy.

Here she was reeling from past emotions that she barely got in check to be twirled seconds later into a needy heap of wantonness by a kiss that she was not sure even happened.

Get a hold of yourself, there is no way you're going to let Sonia and Eliza Brampton see you as the broken girl crumbling with hurt that fled from Duncan Cove. You're not going to let them rub the dirty little victory in your face.

As far as pep talks go that would have to be it. Tonight she could not allow the slightest slip that would reveal the cracks in her silly plot to foil her mother's attempts at finding her a lover\ husband.

She squared her shoulders and nestled closer into Deacon. She smiled sweetly at him as she raised a hand to wipe the lipstick from his lips. Their eyes held for a minute and something in the grey depths had her forgetting at that moment where they were.

Eliza's now watchful eyes noticed the heat that was rising from the woman she hoped never to see again and the man who held her possessively to his side, Brandon too was conscious of it and when Eliza realized it she turned his attention to her but she knew he was already caught up in the feelings that he had for Wendy Preston.

The other patrons who also watched the group realized that something was burning within the two that went beyond their imaginations.

Sonia who had worked hard to keep her son away from Wendy saw the scowl on Brandon's face as he watched Wendy and the gorgeous man with whom she was held close share an intimate moment that did not go unnoticed because they held the curiosity and interest of those who observe the group.

There was no point Wendy admitted as they walked to the table holding grudges, tonight was not about the past. Unlike Eliza, she had no intention of wasting her time bearing claws when she had a man like Deacon to scratch in much more appealing ways.

She blushed as she thought of this, look where her mind was leading her now. This was a drama in the making. If only Deacon knew where her thoughts had led he would surely have more cause to course her silly little ploy in his favour and use it to his advantage, she doubted if she would mind.

She knew he was very much hell-bent on getting more out of their little farce of a relationship, she was beginning to too. If only it didn't please her a little too much that he did and the prospect of having more of what they shared at the office as well as the bedroom earlier filled her with a burning need.

As she made her way with Deacon and her family to the table that Sonia had instructed an attendant to lead them she felt a sense of relief when she saw Eliza and Brandon leave the dining area.

She had to coach herself into keeping her cool and not make tonight get the best of her. This was not about her, this was a prelude to Georgia and Adam's journey of togetherness, not her past and what could have been.

Oftentimes in the past, she had put together scenarios that would involve her facing Brandon again. However, each of them was nothing like when she saw him standing there looking at her more manly and attractive than he did back then when they were young and she was in love and naive.

She had kept her distance at all times, making sure that their paths never crossed and in ensuring so she kept away from Duncan Cove and away from the Brampton, but now she was driven to face that running often takes you in circles or leads you back to where you started.

It hit her hard in the past that he was not the man she would be spending the rest of her life with. She was left devastated that all her dreams were never going to be fulfilled, but as the years passed have thought her dreams never died life just switched course and set you on a different path.

Are you alright? Georgia mouthed as they were all seated and a waiter handed them all velvet-cased menus that held mile-long entrees.

She smiled and nodded then took her menu and scanned the various lists of meals, as she read through them she realized just how hungry she was. Those cheese and crackers had long since vanished and now she was famished.

The thought of cheese and crackers had her mind going back to what had transpired between Deacon and her earlier. She took a glance at him and blushed as he looked up from his menu just then to look at her.

He smiled at her and once again she was taken aback at just how compelling such a simple action seemed when he did it. Her mind was taking things to a whole other level and her body was following like a horse to a dangled carrot.

"Have you all decided on what you're having?" Precilla asked breaking into the wild thoughts that were going through her head.

"Yes," Deacon answered and Wendy could have sworn she heard him say 'I'll have Wendy on this table'

Wendy blinked as she tried to clear her mind but the rousing magnetism of Deacon had her in a wanton grasp. She shook her head slightly and blinked again trying to clear the wayward feelings and thoughts that were no doubt turning out to be a bigger distraction than seeing Brandon again.

"Wendy darling are you ok?"

Cynthia's voice penetrating through the walls of her insolating feelings that were ripening a desire in her that was overtaking her senses was no doubt the bigger danger of tonight.

She wanted to answer but her words were tangled in a mind that was trying to decipher things she knew she best left alone. Her hand that was resting on the table shook and she fisted it into a tight ball digging her nails into her soft palm hoping that some other sensation could drive away the ones that were trying to pull her under its beguiling waves.


That voice and that single spoken word tugged her like a cord that was stretched to its limit and its only potential was to go back to its regular state as it recoiled had her crashing down like a ton of bricks.

She would have kept looking at Deacon if his head had not turned in the direction of the spoken word, she followed automatically and look to see Brandon now standing by their table.

She tried her best to smile but her lips felt dry and all she could allow was a little twitch and nod. She was aware of the others at the table and the silence as they watched left her more uneased.

"It's good to see you again," he said but before she could respond he turn his attention to the others and placed a bottle of wine in an ice bucket on the table and told them it was complimentary for their celebration.

"Congratulations on your engagement Wendy," he smiled but something about it fell flat.

"Thank you, Brandon," she finally answered and reach for Deacon's hand which was close to hers, and held it and she felt a sense of comfort when the lean warm fingers closed around hers.

His eyes traveled to their now clasp hands then back to her "Enjoy your meal and your night," he nods, and then as if about to say something more and refraining from it he walked away.

"Who was that?" Mrs. Keane asked with mild curiosity.

"A friend from Wendy's High school days," Precilla answered quickly. "He owns this place."

"He seems rather ----," she continued.

"Here comes the waiter, time to order," Georgia chimed in before she could finish.

Tonight was going to be a long night.


Hiiiii 👋

So here I'm kinda not sure where the dialogue went 👀👀 but I hope it turns out to be an ok chapter....😬

I just typed what my brain told my fingers am just the medium sooooo....🤓anyways Brandon, Eliza, and Sonia seem to still want Wendy...but for Brandon, it's in while as for Sonia and Eliza it's out...?

What awaits the ending of this little celebratory dinner?

Vote, comment, and thanks for sticking around 🥰

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