Chapter 39

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Back at Elizabeth's apartment.

Elizabeth's eyes fought to open as a dark consuming void kept pulling her under, she had to keep awake. She had to keep away from the lure of the empty black pit that seems to want to keep her wrapped in its grasp

She battled the urge to succumb to the darkness and pulled herself up. She reached to gingerly touch her ringing ear and the side of her head that ached terribly. With a groan, she made every effort not to focus on the throbs and pain but on getting out of the dilemma she was in.

She struggled to pull herself awake as the need to stay in the dark was more comforting. When her eyes fluttered to open the pain in her head became a dull thud and her throbbing foot became less unbearable.

Her eyes scan the room to see where her crazy captor was but there was no sign of her. She stood ready to dash for the door when her movement was stilled by a harsh pain pulsing through her foot as it touches the ground.

"Fuck!" she cried. "Damn!"

Elizabeth felt tears spill from her eyes as she limps to the door her ears intently listening for any sound. She was almost there when she heard a door creaked open and Evelyn walked into the living/slash dining area. She kept going as it was her only intention until her fingers turn the knob and she realized that the door was locked and no key was in sight.

She frantically started to limp around the room searching for any spot or object that could have housed the hidden missing key. She knew her attempt was futile and knowing that Evelyn was standing there watching her carefreely made her all the more frantic.

She stopped and turn around. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks wet with tears, her heart beating in fear that she was never going to get away from the deranged woman that watched her casually as she fought to regain her composure and pull herself out of the slough of despondency.

"Are you hungry?" Evelyn ask now dressed in jeans and a white button-down long sleeve shirt with her dark hair piled on her head in an untidy bun. "I made dinner while you slept."

Elizabeth suppressed the desire to lunge at her in rage. How can she stand there and act as if they are two roommates sharing a flat and a casual Sunday evening? She wiped the tears and limped back to the sofa.

"I am not hungry I need to speak with Deacon," she said her mind racing with ways for an outcome.

"Relax," she said walking into the kitchenette. "I took the liberty of sending both him and Wendy an email and by tomorrow you'll have your life back and that prissy little socialite is going to back where she started as the office help."

"I just want to talk to him myself. I want to make amends with how I handle things and surely an email is not the way to do this," she continued hoping some reasoning would cause her to give in. "I think him hearing from me pe---"

"I said to relax."

Those four words spoken were meant to broke no argument and Elizabeth wanted to scream at her, she swallowed visibly as she resisted her mind still working with possibilities as she looked around the room but they all ended on a dire note as her eyes rest on the locked door.

"You should eat, the baby needs you to take care of yourself," she said coming to place a plate on the table.

"May I have a cup of tea, my head is pounding and tea normally helps when I have a headache," she told her and felt her heart race with fear she would deny her and tell her to eat instead. "Please, maybe I could eat after."

"Fine," she said going back to the kitchen to prepare the tea.

"Are you going to keep me here?" she asked as she watch her fill a kettle with water and continued to gather the cup and teabag from an overhead cabinet.

"No silly," she said with a shake of the head as she briefly turn to look at her. "Deacon will be coming here for you and his baby tomorrow and then you'll be back with your man."

"What if he doesn't show up. He's with Wendy and you did say she must have some hold on him to get him as far as to get engaged to her."

"He will be Deacon's father is not going to let his grandchild be tossed aside before you know it you'll be back on Deacon's arm like the beautiful ornament you are," she assured with a confident grin her eyes sparkling with delight.

Elizabeth stared at the eccentric woman and watched as she basks in the self-satisfaction of the twisted events she had created. She had to call Kylie she was the only one who would come to her rescue knowing Deacon was out of town.

She had to get to a phone but first, she had to get Evelyn out of the way. She took a swift breath and let it out and then smile as sweetly as she could. With what she hoped was a look of resignation she said.

"Why not drink to the beautiful prospect of what lays ahead."

Evelyn smiled seeing that Elizabeth was beginning to warm towards her desire to trach Wendy Preston that no one pushes her aside. She only wanted as she did with Clara to be her friend. Clara learned the hard way what the cost was of being petty and high-minded.

"Yes let's drink to the happy endings for you, Deacon and the baby," she said as her smile broaden.

"Could you bring the teapot? I think my little one here is going to need more than one cup," Elizabeth ask sweetly as the woman turns towards the kitchen her heart racing in anticipation.

This had to work, she had to use any means necessary to get away from the madwoman who seems hell-bent on destroying Wendy Preston's life with Deacon for some matter that she could not fathom but knew it was very much associated with a psychological problem that stems deeper than she cared to know.

At first, she thought the crazed woman was jealous because Deacon was with Wendy Preston and not with her as she was in love with him, then she came to realise that if she was in love with Deacon she would be trying to get her and the baby out of the picture too not into it.

This had everything to do with With Wendy.

She hated to do this but she had to. Wendy was the reason for her being here and she would have to be the one to get her out. She had to use Evelyn's dislike to her advantage. She had to fuel Evelyn's unwarranted and confusing dislike of the other woman.

When Elizabeth returned to the table with the teapot and cups on a tray she silently willed herself to remain relax as best as she could. As she waited for the right opportunity to get free from the woman who now sat across from her looking jovial and content in wreaking havoc on someone else's life because she deems it fit she prayed for the strength to pull it off.

"So tell me, why you hate Wendy Preston so much?" she asked reaching for a cup and pulling the tray with the teapot slightly closer. "Not that I like her either."

Evelyn stare at Elizabeth her blue eyes pits of icy cold contempt. Her voice harsh and bitter as she said.

"I hate everyone like Wendy Preston."

Elizabeth felt her hands tremble and she fought the urge to shift uncomfortably in her chair. She needed to get away from her captivity with due haste.

Hi dearies 🥰

Seems there is much more to Elizabeth than a dislike for Wendy...This acrid bitterness running in her veins is forceful enough to make her a lingering threat to anyone.

Thanks for staying with White Lies and Sweet Compromise🤗

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