Chapter 21

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               Dedicated to @DAJ2020

"This house really knows how to creak," Deacon said as he found all the loose floorboards to step on as he carried her to their room. Wendy dip her head in the crook of his neck and giggled.

The sweet sound and her warm breath on his neck sent more blood rushing to his already heated member. He felt like a young buck in its most primal of heat and he almost lost all control when her tongue made tiny circles where her breath had earlier caress.

"Wendy," he moaned as sensations filled his entire being and fuel his desire to have her all the more.

"You like that?" she asked softly but did not wait for a response as she did it again.

He trembled as he tightened his grip on her and involuntarily thrust his hips. He was barely in control now.

"I swear babe if you don't stop that am going to be out of the game before it's even started," he whispered his breathing now rugged.

"I'll get you back in," she said as she reached for the spot and suckled it causing a flood of sweet sensation to wash over him.

Was it even possible to feel so much with one person? He had in his various relationships never found one woman who ignited every fibre of his being the way Wendy did.

Often time he had to be pleased orally before he could fathom half this much excitement when he was with his various partners, now here he was tumbling down with just her sucking on his neck.

He let the sweet pleasure wash over him but he knew he best not get carried away by it or they would both be disappointed with his inability to take them on the other level of what lay ahead.

He lowered her and pull her against him and claimed her lips again as he pushed her cover up over her shoulders and let it fall at her feet. He wanted to do the same with the night dress but it was too close-fitting so he reached for the hem and start pulling it upwards.

As his fingers brush against her body in the hasty movement to undress her she groaned into his mouth. Their lips parted long enough for him to pull it over her head and when the silky material joined its counterpart she reached to kiss him again but he stopped her and took a slight step backwards.

Wendy watches in intrigue and delight the way he stared at her nakedness with open appreciation. She did not feel shy or conscious instead she felt bold and sensual as she watches eyes so dark with desire they appeared almost black took in every curve, rise, jut and fullness of her womanly frame.

"Turn around," he instructed on a breathy command.

Without question, she did as he said and when she faced him again his warm fingers found her full breasts heavy and pebbled with desire and caressed them. She bit back the moan of pleasure at the feel of his hands on her.

"You're beautiful," he said, "more exquisite than I ever fantasized about."

She smiled sweetly at him and said, "You fantasize about me?"

He gave a wicked grin and close the space between them, "More than I should but I am not complaining. Will you let me make them a reality?"

Her dark eyes pools of need and fascination stared up into his and she nods. He smiled and held her gaze as he undressed but with Wendy wanting to see all of him she tore her eyes away from his and watches as he finished pulling his shirt from his pants unbuttoning it with deft fingers.

Her heart raced as he let it fall to join her discarded night dress. His lean shoulders and toned hairless chest sought her hungry appreciative eyes but when he unbuckled his pants and lowered both it and his brief and her eyes graced his ramrod member her breath caught.

From a base neatly trimmed stood his impressively pink-tipped slightly curved cock that spoke of hedonistic delights. Her already throbbing centre increased its beats of need as she stared at it.

Deacon kicked off his shoes, discard his pants and brief, then on sock covered feet step closer to Wendy and smiled. He likes the way she openly appreciated his body with a sense of awe and innocence.

"You're gorgeous," she acknowledged with wide-eyed fascination.

He smiled. He never had a woman look at him with such affection. He was elated by her innocence and honest appeal to him. She was not here for the taking or using sex as an exchange for her being in his life. Then it had all seem fitting but now he wanted sex to be a union that bind them.

He wanted it to be a testament to something they craved to share without any inhibition. He felt a sense of rightness at this thought and he let the sweet fulfilling feeling that came with it wrapped itself about him until it was time to reveal it.

He wanted her to lo...

"May I touch you?" He heard her ask softly.

He reached for her hand and place it on him and his member jerked at the sweet feel of her soft warm palms. He closed his eyes as she gently stroke him her movements slow and gently. He wanted more but he let her do as she pleased but his control started to slip as she circled his glistening tip with her forefinger.

"Wendy babe I'm not sure how much more of that I can take," he whispered.

She took his hand and lead him to the bed. With a gentle push, she let him sprawl upon the soft sheet and her eyes travelled over him in the soft glow of the bedside lamps.

"I not sure how much longer I can wait to feel you inside me either," she told him and as the words wash over him she straddles his hips letting her warm centre rest inches from his wanting cock.

"Do you have a condom?" she asked rocking her hips side to side teasingly.

"My wallet, back pocket of my pants," he answered thinking how for the first time protection slipped his mind with a woman.

When she returned with the wallet and handed it to him he removed the golden encased packet ripped it open and slip on the sheath.

She would have straddle him again but he pulled her down and lay on top of her and nestled his lower body between her spread legs. He kissed her long and hard as he slipped a hand between them and found her warm centre.

As their kiss intensified so did his fingering in her inviting wet and hot womanhood. He loved the way she shivered when his finger flicked over the sensitive bud of her clit. He waited until her legs open wider indicating him entrance to the place where he longed to be, where he had on so many occasions envisioned himself riding the waves of passion.

With one last kiss he positions the tip of him at her entrance but pauses when he realised that even though she was creamed and ready his admittance was going to hurt a bit, she was rather tight.

"Please" she begged and his hesitation fled.

When he entered her she wrapped her legs around his butt and use it to sink him further he knew there was no turning back.

They soared as one as the rhythm of their passion played its tune and they dance in sync with each other. Thrust for thrust they propel over the precipice of passion and fall to fulfilment on the soothing sighs of completion.

It was there on lips a declaration of love but held at bay as a kiss took them back to earth and they lay in tangled limbs of sweaty bodies.

"Good night beautiful," he said as her even breath indicated she slept.

He gently pulls from her body and went to discard the condom cleaned himself and went back to bed where he nestled her to him and for the first time he slept in the sweet embrace of a lover.


Hallloooo 😊

Yep, it was bound to happen! These two are in up to their hairlines in need for each other thus making Deacon's compromise all the more beguiling but are they getting in way over their heads?

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