The Withers' Mansion late Sunday morning.
What the hell was she doing once again standing at the front door of Lionel and Kylie's home? She contemplated turning away and heading back for her car. This place held too many memories that had her raging with emotions she believed she could face for the sake of meeting her daughter if she tried.
She stood there her fingers raised to press the doorbell her heart racing and her mind on overdrive. She should just leave.
Why complicate things further than they were? Her daughter did not need her after all these years just popping up out of the blue.
Did Lionel or Kylie tell her anything as to who she was? How would she react to seeing her after finding out who she is? The years of pining for this day are far different than actually standing there waiting for it to happen.
With an audible release of the breath, she was not even aware of taking she pressed the doorbell and the door was immediately open to a widely grinning Kylie clad in sweats, a crop top that read Sister Knows Best and her small bare feet which now sported tattoos on the top show black nail polish on neatly trimmed toenails.
Leela felt the wind knock out of her as she was pulled into Kylie for a warm excited embrace. At first, her body was rigid until the familiarity of years spent hugging the woman she missed dearly flooded her being and she returned the hug knowing this was something that she wanted just as much as meeting her daughter.
"Come," she said like an excited child pulling her future into the huge living room kicking the door shut and grinning. "Bear and Leo are by the pool they're cooking up a storm, you would think they're feeding the neighbourhood."
Leela who was being led by Kylie holding her hand felt like her feet were about to buckle under her followed on and felt a sense of nostalgia as more memories came flooding the forefront of her mind. She walked out onto the marble patio that led to a huge pool that had in its far canopied corner a jean and tee shirt-clad Leo standing by a barbecue grill concentrating on what was emitting a most delicious aroma.
Leela felt her heart do a series of flips in her chest as she stared at the little girl who stood by her dad holding a plate that he was now transferring meat from the grill to. She giggled as he told her not to sneak any for Elsa and she walked to the gazebo that was fixed for eating, her movements were careful as she focused on her task.
Her feet faltered and she paused causing the excited Kylie to pause too and turn to look at her with eyes of assurance and a smile of encouragement. She gave her a quick tug and she followed the woman with the bouncing ponytail to the bright blue-eyed girl that she wanted more than anything to hold in her arms.
Lionel who was through grilling moved away from the grill and was removing his apron when he turned to see her and Kylie approach she felt another wave of emotions this one fuelled with suppressed need and conflicting feelings.
"Leo, Bear," Kylie called out in excitement then chirped, "Lee is here," as she made it to the gazebo.
There was a moment of silence before the little girl clad in an Elsa summer sleeve dress moved from where she stood and walked up to her and smiled then said.
"Dad your right she does have the same freckles as I do."
Leela was not sure what to do or say so she looked from Kylie to Leo then to the little girl with the creamy skin, rosy cheeks and her dusting of freckles. She blinked back as she opened her mouth to speak but the words seemed to just stick there.
"Aunty Ky and Dad told me you're my mommy," she said reaching out to take her trembling hands. "What happened to your hair it's no longer like mine?"
Leela was not sure what to say or how to respond to the force of nature before her. When she the adult was a raging bunch of nerves her seven-year-old was a confident chatterbox that had her smiling and shaking her head in awe.
"Well Emma I got tired of fighting with the thick unruly mass of curls so I have a monthly appointment at the hair salon to get it relaxed," she babbled overwhelmed at the fact that her daughter did know who she was.
"I think it's pretty and it's just like Elsa's," she beamed with delight as she pulled her to the table to show her a doll sitting reverently upon one of the chairs. "My mummy is a princess."
Leela could not help but grin as she stared at the toy in its sky-blue shimmery princess gown with her blonde hair braided in a french braid matching to the one she now wore. Her hand automatically went up to touch her hair before Emma smiled up at her again.
"I am happy you're here."
Leela was once again rendered speechless and more so as the small girl wrapped her arms around her waist in a hug that drove every one of her fears and doubts away. She hugged her small frame to her drinking in the scent and feel of her as she pulled from this special moment that she never had when her baby was taken from her.
"Emma, I love you so," she said silently but said aloud, "I am happy to be here too."
The look of happiness on Emma's face flooded Leela's heart with joy and when Kylie came and wrapped her arms around them shouting. "I am darn happy too!" she couldn't help but giggle.
"Aunty Ky no swear words!"
"Bear Aunty ain't swearing she's just rejoicing," Kylie responded smiling into Leela's shirt as emotions flooded her then looked over to Lionel who stared at them his brown eyes filled with emotions that were mirrored in hers. "Hey, I think Daddy needs a hug too."
To their surprise, Emma pulled away walked over to Lionel and led him the short distance to where Ky still stood embracing a teary Leela. She placed him to face Leela and said innocently.
"Mummy Aunty Ky says you give the best hugs could you hug daddy?"
Leela's tear-stained cheeks turned flaming red and she stood motionless until she felt Kylie nudged her causing her to move forward into Lionel, feeling his strong arms around her sent back memories both bitter and sweet.
She let the masculine scent of him mix with the lingering scent of grilled meat wash over her as her mind battled with the past and her body leapt with feelings that were very much in the present.
She was not over Lionel and she doubted she would ever be. He was the only man she had ever loved and who she would always love. No matter what had happened in the past as much as it hurt she will always want him and him only heart body and soul.
She nestled her head in the crook of his shoulder as Kylie and Emma held them in their embrace completing a bond she wished to have forever but considering the void that separated them because of that dreaded night she was afraid that it might never surpass that boundary.
She was trying to battle out the tangled feelings that gripped her when she heard him whisper in her hair.
"Forgive me, Lee. Please forgive me."
She stiffened in his arms and would have pulled away but Emma gasping that Elsa was left out of the hug had them turning to look at the smiling doll sitting comfortably in her spot on the gazebo's padded seating.
"O my how could we forget Elsa" Kylie gasped rushing to the doll.
"I think if mummy hugs hers she'll feel better," Emma chimed her blue eyes expectant.
Leela was not sure what was happening but when she left home she sure was not expecting this by a long shot.
Hi, y'all 😊
It seems Little Emma Withers aka Bear is very much a force to reckon with. This surely wasn't what Leela was expecting and as the day unfolds I think there will be plenty more unexpected circumstances...don't you?
Vote 👈
Thanks for reading 🤟

White Lies and Sweet Compromise( 𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌💕)
Romance𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞✔︎ Wendy Preston can surely attest to having her share of mishaps and that one heartbreak that will last her a lifetime. Her way of getting away from it all was to leave the place where it all happened and only keep in touch with th...