I. Old Habits Die Hard

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Ava's POV:

They say the future is quite unpredictable.

The past has passed.

And the present is a present.

I agree.

And that agreement is what I feared the most.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I would often wake up. Wake up into a reality that the past had passed. And the truth is I’m alive and barely breathing in a hospital bed with wires attached to every inch of my body, in a small room with no one to care for me. How everything now is a dream, a punishment for everything I had done.

All those I had stepped over to be at the top.

Or what I assumed to be the top.

With Luke’s departure to the university, he will attend and excel. I felt like I could breathe a little. It made me feel like my future was changing. And with time, I felt like I could pass everything. The reality was merely a nightmare, and the dream is my reality. This is reality.

But, as I stand here in the empty hallway, with my heart inside the locker. The nightmare has proven itself to be actuality.

And I despise it.

Seth smiles, “Don’t look at me like that.”

Even without a mirror, I know exactly how I’m looking at him—the only evidence of my sinful behavior.

“I wasn’t the one who forced you to do everything.” His voice sounds loud in the empty hallway. Or maybe, it’s me. “You choose to do it.”

“Why?” I ask. “Why did you admit you’re from the future?”

“What did you want me to do?”

I swallow eagerly. What exactly did I want him to do? Deny it? Laugh it off? Of course, I want that. I need it. I crave for it. If he laughed it off and called me crazy, then it will only support me. Ease the pain inside my heart. With his admittance, it only brought more guilt and unhappiness.

I want to be happy.

“How did you know?” Seth changes the subject because of my silence. “How did you know I was from the future?”

“Isn’t it too much of a coincidence?” I question. “How much you know about me when we barely talked to each other. The warning about Mr.Nocella. How desperate you are to get Mina and me together.”

“You’re smart.”

I smile, “Despite your sarcasm, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Isn’t there a question you want to ask me?”

“Which is?”

“How I know you’re from the future.”

“Because I changed too much,” I responded.

“You’re aware?”

Of course, I’m aware. I just didn’t care. How can I not notice the way people look at me or how they talked about me. If I weren’t me, I would think it’s weird how a person can change so much over summer.

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