XLVIII. Nothing is Limitless

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Ava's POV:

Once in a while...Elijah Wood is right.

Your best is limited - nothing is limitless.

Even the universe is said to have an edge - a limit to how vast it may be.

Someone knocked against my door. I rolled off the bed and made my way toward it. When I opened the door, Trevon came into view. "What is it?"

His eyes cast from the ground, towards me, and back down. He bit his lower lips, "Mina told me to stop talking to her."

I expected this.

Mina called several times, cried, and spilled her emotions to me.

What I didn't expect was Trevon's appearance.

He sniffed, "I umm...Can I come in?"

I opened the door wider, "Sure."

Trevon stepped inside and made his way toward my bed. He sat down and covered his face with his hands. I closed the door and sat beside him.

Amid the silence, Trevon mumbled: "You're right."

"About what?" I asked.

"About this whole thing." He opened his rest and exhaled heavily, "I got caught up with...the whole situation."

Even without an explanation, I know what he meant. The popularity that comes with dating someone in the spotlight. Most likely, a lot of people pat Trevon's back for landing someone like Lyah.

Popularity - being part of the in crowd - can be quite toxic.

Without regulations.

Without understanding.

Without control.

The desire...the desperation to always please others.

I should know.

Then, there's also the sweetness he gains from Mina - the girl he loves.

He had the best of both worlds.

Steadily, I lifted my hand and held his.

I should celebrate his realization - the acknowledgment before the fall into the pothole. But instead, I felt envy. How he's able to stop before he falls.

That takes strength.

And not everyone has it.

I wanted to say something, anything, but somehow the words wouldn't come out. Perhaps, it's because I don't have anything to say. "How is everything...you know...with Lyah? Her situation."

Trevon exhales, "Don't know. Haven't seen the ex-boyfriend."

"It's been weeks."

"That's what I told her."

I'm starting to think that this boyfriend doesn't exist. My phone rang - Shelbie. Right now, I have to decide. Should I pick it up or allow it to go to voicemail?

"You can take it," Trevon said.

There's a reason why I don't want to take it. There's a possibility that Shelbie is calling me because she has some information about Lyah. Trevon shouldn't know that I asked someone to investigate his fake girlfriend. I can always tell him the reason - I care. But that doesn't mean he'll get any less upset.

I should take the phone call outside.

I answered the call.

"Give me a second, Shelbie," I said.

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