XXVII. Representatives

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Ava's POV:

Mr.Nocella returned to school a few days later, and immediately, he was bombarded with female students. After all, rumors say he is a free man.

The hormones of a young female can be quite vicious. I should know.

I stood on the sideline, watching Mr.Nocella greet all of the students. He passes by me and smiles, which I return with a nod. I may have helped him grocery shopping once, but it doesn't mean we are close. I will help him if he needs my help, but it's best to remain at a distance. End meets the end, Mr.Nocella is my teacher, and I am his student. Watching him make logical decisions despite going through a rough time from a distance is the right course to take, rather than building up a complicated toxic relationship.

I continue twirling my fork around the spaghetti. A fork caught my meatball, and I looked up to see a grinning Eli. Slowly, very tauntingly, he moves the meatball closer to his mouth. I watched as he dropped it inside and began chewing, a bump to the side.

"So, when are you going to kiss me?" Winnie asked Ben.

He choked on the spaghetti, "W-What? I can do that?"

Sometimes, I don't understand what Winnie is thinking. Winnie and Ben aren't in a real relationship, rather a deal. A short end of the stick deal for Ben, but as long as he is happy - I guess it's fine.

"Yeah." She gave him that what the fuck look. "By now, you should be groping me."

Quickly, Ben shook his head, "No."

All the foods in our mouths dropped, "No?" we all repeated. I cannot believe Ben would reject the opportunity to feel up the - and as I quote - the woman of his dream.

Winnie was too shocked even to reply.

He pushes up his glasses, "Kissing is okay, but we can only do those other things once we are married."

It seems like Ben is a traditional guy.

I respect that.

Winnie placed a hand on her chest and leaned back slightly, "Wait...are you rejecting me?"

He scratches his head, "No?"

Winnie began saying some incoherent words then bang a fist on the table, causing everyone to jump, "You do not reject me, Benjamin."

Wait...His full name is Benjamin?

Winnie grabbed him by the shirt, "We are going to make out, and you will grope me...hard."

Ben shook his head, "Mom says-"

"Mommy isn't here right now," she said before dragging him out of the cafeteria. Again, I don't understand what's going through Winnie's mind.

My eyes roam over to see Landon glaring at Winnie and nearly crying, Ben. Landon grips onto his hands tightly, probably feeling wronged. I know because I used to be him.

"What's wrong?" Mary asked me.

I shrugged, rolling the last meatball in my bowl back and forth again. My eyes leaped towards Eli when he stabbed my last meatball. When I was about to rebuttal, screaming at him to stop stealing. Luke walked in with Sarah.

His eyes pinned towards Mina, who was sitting across the cafeteria with Seth. She ignored him. He exhales as Sarah grasps his arm and ushers him towards their usual table.

"Who would've thought Sarah was that type of girl?" Mary mumbled, shaking her head.

I exhaled, "We shouldn't judge her."

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