XXXVI. Terrible Good Guy

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Ava's POV:

I tuck my hair behind my ear and notice Eli was staring at me. "What?"

He shook his head, "Nothing. Nothing." His cheeks grew red. He cleared his throat and straightened the white shirt.

Shelbie told us we'd be going to a fancy dinner. My eyes flicker towards Shelbie's future husband, Colton. His eyes met mine. My eyes narrowed, and his did too.

What's his problem?

Someone blocked my sight. "Eli. Would you mind removing your hand?" I ask.

"Okay. But, first-" He turns my body around then removes his hand. "There. Better. I'm handsome. Look at me."

I couldn't help but snicker at his comment.

"Come on, lovebirds," Shelbie said.

The usher shows us to our table. Eli and I settled on one side while Shelbie and Colton sat on the other. He sets down the menus, "What would you like to drink tonight?"

"Just water for me," Shelbie said.

"Me too," I said.

"Coke," Eli stated.

Colton exhales lightly, "Me too."

Shelbie brows crunch together, "Coke? You usually order red wine when we come here." If I was a stranger, I might misunderstand, but I'm not. Shelbie and Colton come here with their families.

"I'm feeling coke tonight." He must feel awkward being around high school students.

The usher nods, "Your waiter will be here shortly."

When he left, silence dawned upon us.

"So, you two have been together for a while?" Colton asks. His eyes seemingly flickered towards me once in a while, but he forced himself to look at Eli.

"Kind of," I replied.

Colton smiles, "High school." He chuckles awkwardly.

Then, Shelbie to the rescue. She would talk about anything and everything to fill in the silence. Not too soon after, Eli would join her. The waiter would take our orders, and the cycle returns.

In the middle of the meal, I asked Colton: "Is there something you want to say?" I'm not particularly fond of him staring at me this whole time. For sure, Eli caught on.

Eli hasn't held my hand once during dinner. I know he's trying his best not to allow his insecurity to surface.

Even Shelbie noticed it.

Colton cleared his throat, "It's just...I notice you look familiar."

I raise a brow, "Shelbie and I are friends. You probably saw my picture on her page."

"No. I meant-" he scratches his ear, "I'm not trying to make any rumors or-"

"Spill it. You're making everyone uncomfortable with your roundabout." I'm the confrontational type. I know it.

"You're the girl who left Mr.Nocella's house. I didn't know you were a student."

Shelbie dropped her utensils and exhaled dramatically, "That's why you were staring at her this whole time?" She patted her chest, "Thank goodness."

Eli exhales too before he grabbed my hand. The uncomfortable sensation disappeared.

"What? What were you guys thinking?" Colton asks.

"I thought you think Ava is beautiful and want to steal her away from me," Eli said. He looks at me and smiles, "You're still beautiful, but he doesn't want to take you away."

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