LXIII. Proud to be Me

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Ava's POV:

Standing in the middle of the hallway with Luke in front of me was unexpected. Behind me was my brother and everyone else. Behind him was his crew. Neither budges nor made any attempt to move.

The crowd turned their heads but didn't stop their conversation with one another waiting for the morning show.

My back was as ridged as a board. I analyzed the guy in front of me. The past few weeks, he somehow seems to age. However, right now, he looks brighter and more filled with life than ever. It's as if he figured out the solutions to the problems in his life.

"Congrats. I heard you got the scholarship," I said.

Luke smile, lip curving from ear to ear as the sun shines onto his freckles.

But, he didn't respond.

Without a word, he steps aside, and everyone behind him did the same thing. They began walking down the hallway, and I blew out a breath of air.

In the corner of my eyes, I can see Mina's eyes following Luke. Her head raveled forward when Trevon began walking.

I inhaled a deep breath and moved forward. Eli crash into me, and my eyes narrow before he crashes into me again. He bends his knees and lowers his head until it rests on my shoulder.

Eli didn't say a single word. Instead, he continued his annoying actions despite me shoving him off a few times.

The beating rips through my chest once more when I felt his forefinger touching my hand. It touches. Withdraw. Made contact. Motion away.

I bit the edge of my tongue, feeling his finger curling around mine. I told myself to withdraw, but my body refused to listen. One finger became two, and two morphs into three. Soon, I found all five of my fingers tangling with his.

It was a brief entanglement, almost nonexisting.

Ben called him, and he released my hand. He passed by me and walked beside Ben, who began talking to him.

Mary tugs my shirt, and I look over, "Hey. What's up?"

"I should be asking you that." She cock her head, causing the ponytail to sway towards her shoulder.

I look forward, seeing Eli laughing over something Ben said. Ben's face was red, and he groaned, slumping his shoulders downward. Out of nowhere, Trevon leaps onto Eli's shoulders, causing both of them to stumble.

"Nothing. Nothing happened."

"You know," she smacked her lip, "I like Eli's brother."

I cock a brow, pretending to be surprised, "What? You like who?"

She playfully shoves my shoulder, "Don't act so surprised. You know it." Her head hung low as our legs continued motioning, "He won't like me, though."

"You don't know that."

She heaves a breath, finger twirling around the ponytail. "To him. I'm just a little sister. Someone who he will never consider as a potential lover."

My eyes waved from her towards the man motioning towards us. Surrounding him were two other teachers. Mr.Nocella laughed at something, causing his cheeks to turn red. I wonder if teachers make dirty jokes.

Taking a single blink, his eyes met mine, and the smile only grows wider. I guess he's not mad at me. His head motion downward, resulting in a single nod. I return it with a quick smile. At that moment, as we passed by each other, it felt like we exchange some sort of insider joke-a forbidden secret.

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